Military Industrial Complex

Backstory behind Trump MidEast Troop Withdrawals


Not since the days of President John Kennedy has a U.S. President went up against the corrupt Foreign Policy Establishment, faced down their subversion of his policies and insubordination, and tried to truly wrest control away from the Elite Global Government planners and their Multinational Cartel structures (behind them and who had been calling all the shots).

Begging for War


Trapped. That's how I feel now when I read what's happening in the foreign policy/geopolitical world. Trapped. I feel like screaming out to anyone, "hey, can't you see!!"

But there's no one who will listen except the die hard anti-imperialists who truly understand what has happened and what is happening. They're all trapped also.

To people 'broadly satisfied' with the status quo

I'm well acquainted with the 'new democrats.' I rubbed elbows with them for years. I was a progressive blogger for over a decade and attended many of the annual Netroot's gatherings around the nation. I partied with them, I engaged in conversation with them, online and in real life. I argued with them. Mostly I argued with them.

Until recently I had been a more-or-less life-long democrat, but a Tom Joad, Civil Rights democrat. These new democrats are another matter entirely.

War is Peace, Austerity for the Serfs - Time for Revolution


Trump, the 26% President, signed another executive order for a “great rebuilding of the Armed Forces”. The order calls for Mad Dog Mattis, his war secretary, to review readiness relative to taking on ISIS and "near-peer competitors", and submit a plan within 60 days on how to improve overall readiness by FY 2019.

Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, Part 3 - Fiscal Costs

In my first diary in this series, I noted how far removed most of us in the United States are from those who serve in our armed forces. The number of Americans who have a close family member who is or has served in the military has steadily decreased over the last several decades from 75% to around 33%.