Open Thread - Thurs 05 Oct 2023 - Unexpected Sorrow
Submitted by Sima on Thu, 10/05/2023 - 5:00am
Unexpected Sorrow:
Two deaths last week really, really got to me. Earthling1's son died tragically and then there was this... The entity who died was famous, had lived a LONG time in service to a nation, was iconic for location and meaning and was even pictured in a famous movie (Robin Hood). I knew about this marvelous being from the time I was fairly small, part of my schooling and upbringing. And no, it wasn't a politician. Sorry, DiFi, even though I was raised in the Bay Area and am old enough to have watched you take over when Milk and Moscone were assassinated (I was just a kid, but whatever), you NEVER got my approval - not as mayor, or anything else. I could see through the schtick even then.
The tree in the Sycamore Gap: from