
Let's Talk About the Over Policing of America

First the good news:

As protests sparked by George Floyd’s death entered their chaotic fifth day, social media filled with images and video of police officers using batons, tear gas and rubber bullets to quell crowds⁠—but some squads joined in with Saturday protesters to express their stance against police brutality, and to show solidarity with the anti-racism movement.

“We want to be with y’all, for real. I took my helmet off, laid the batons down. I want to make this a parade, not a protest,” Genesee County Sheriff Chris Swanson was seen telling protesters in Flint, Michigan, before he joined the assembled crowd to march, eliciting cheers.

Officers in Camden, New Jersey, helped carry a banner reading “Standing in Solidarity,” and seemed to join in with the crowd chanting “no justice, no peace.”

In Santa Cruz, California, Police Chief Andy Mills took a knee with protesters in the pose made famous by Colin Kaepernick, with the department tweeting it was “in memory of George Floyd & bringing attention to police violence against Black people.”

Two Kansas City, Missouri, police officers⁠—one white man, one black man⁠—were photographed holding aloft a sign reading “end police brutality.”

In Fargo, North Dakota, an officer was seen clasping hands with protest organizers while holding up a sign reading “We are one race... The HUMAN race.”

Officers in Ferguson, Missouri, participated in a nine and-a-half minute kneel in Floyd’s memory, with cheers erupting from the crowd.

In Some Cities, Police Officers Joined Protesters Marching Against Brutality

Some people die for honor

Some people die for love

Some people die while singing

To the heavens above

Some people die believing

In the cross on Calvarys’ hill

And some people die In the blink of an eye

For a $20 bill

Some people go out in glory

(Yeah) with the wind at their back

Some get to tell their own story

Write their own epitaph

Sometimes you see it coming

Sometimes you don’t know until

You run out of breath

With a knee on your neck

For a $20 bill

Brother, I never knew you

And now I never will

But I make this promise to you

I’ll remember you still

Take, eat - let this be our communion

It’s time to break the bread

Do this in remembrance

Just like the good book said

Sometimes the wine is a sacrament

Sometimes the blood is just spilled

Sometimes the law Is the devils’ last straw

The future unfulfilled

Like the dream they killed

For a $20 bill


What would we do without the police? The question sounds rhetorical, but sociologist Alex S. Vitale wants us to try to answer it. He believes that an unprecedented expansion and intensification of police work over the last forty years has resulted in “overpolicing.” The job of police officers has grown beyond keeping the peace and responding to emergencies and now includes addressing addiction, mental illness, homelessness, prostitution, juvenile misbehavior, and more. What would happen if the police played little or no role in these issues? What if, instead of criminalizing drug users, sex workers, and homeless people, our city and state governments treated them as citizens with needs to be met and rights to be protected?

Alex S. Vitale On The Overpolicing Of America

Vitale says that poor people and people of color, in particular, are targeted as criminals on the streets and in their homes, schools, and places of employment. Routine traffic stops may end in fatalities, and protests against police brutality sometimes turn into confrontations between a highly militarized police force and angry activists. Few officers are ever charged, let alone convicted, for misconduct. Some cities are experimenting with reforms, but Vitale argues that these efforts won’t change the fundamental, unspoken mission of the police: maintaining an unequal status quo. “This is how the system is designed to operate,” he says.

A native of Houston, Texas, Vitale is a professor of sociology and coordinator of the Policing and Social Justice Project at Brooklyn College, which is part of the City University of New York (CUNY). He consults for police departments and human-rights organizations, and his writing has appeared in The New York Times, USA Today, and The Nation. He is the author of City of Disorder: How the Quality of Life Campaign Transformed New York Politics and The End of Policing (alex-vitale.info). As a frequent guest speaker at college campuses, criminology conferences, and community meetings, he discusses policing in the context of U.S. history and social policies. Vitale tells audiences that, when we believe inequality is a result of some people working harder or being smarter than others, “we erase the history of exploitation and the ways the game is rigged to prevent economic and social mobility. When people complain about these realities, they are told it’s their own fault, that they didn’t try hard enough to be part of the glorious ‘one percent.’ ”

I met Vitale at his home in Brooklyn on a cold winter day. As I walked up the single flight to his apartment, I passed some students coming down, who cheerfully announced, “Your turn!” During our time together there was little levity. Vitale struck me as a no-nonsense guy who judges people on their behavior rather than on big talk and promises. After two hours together he had no time to linger, and was quickly on his way to participate in a workshop at the CUNY Graduate Center.

To Protect And To Serve?

May 24th Video Chat

Good Friday, to one all!

Our second Jitsi video chat is at hand.

We will gather on Sunday, May 24th @ 1pm Louisville (Eastern) time
Message me if you don't have the link and password.

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Although this will be another "free range" conversation. some have asked for a bit focus.

.... which brings us to the Dakotas where Sioux tribes are protecting their people from the pandemic and a governor Is trying to Sstop them. But the tribes refuse to blink.


“One Nation, Indivisible” excerpts from The Sun’s archives that speak to the current political moment.

Between 200 and 600 million of the earth’s people belong to indigenous societies, comprising as many as five thousand different languages and cultures. Environmentalists and conservationists have increasingly looked to indigenous societies as models for the sustainable stewardship of natural resources. These people are the miner’s canary of the human family: in direct dependence on nature, they are the first to suffer the effects of pollution, degradation, and exploitation.


“The True, Original First World,” Ralph Metzner, December 1995

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Sunday Afternoon Video Chat Volume 1: #2

Our first session went off with such few hitches that we've decided to try it again.

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There will be time for "free range" mud wrestling as we renew acquaintances, match names to faces, and catch up with each other.

To provide some requested focus, we will be talking about indigenous resistance and "the vision of a better future": a human resistance fragmented by authoritarian (not sharing and not caring for naught except themselves) interests.