The Weekly Watch
Submitted by Lookout on Sun, 12/08/2019 - 7:39am
Creating the Corporate Coup
Chris Hedges often says "The corporate coup is complete". Sadly I think he is correct. So this week I thought it might be interesting to explore the techniques which are used here at home and abroad. The oligarchs' corporate control is global, but different strategies are employed in various scenarios. Just thinking about the recent regime changes promoted by the US in this hemisphere... Brazil's coup was a function of corrupt courts. The more recent Honduran coup was accomplished by falsifying the election. Bolivia's coup last month (as well as the Honduran coup of 2009) was the product of US trained military officers. The current attempts at the Venezuelan, Nicaraguan, Cuban, and Iranian coups are primarily conducted using economic sanctions. The US doesn't even lie about past coups. They recently released a report about the 1953 CIA led coup against Iran detailing the strategies. Here at home it is a compliant media and a new array of corporate laws designed to protect and further enrich that spell the corporate capture of our culture and society.