Michael Cohen

Lying Just as Fast as They Can

Here we are, late in the Trump/Russia Collusion Investigation, and the evidence is still as thin and weak as watery milk. The media monopolies are the ever-present mouthpieces of last resort when you absolutely, positively need to misinform and confuse the American public, and they performed as expected. For them, it's no longer about proving that Vladimir Putin has seized control of the United States from his sinister Kremlin office. In recent weeks, they've been talking a mile a minute just to obscure their own perfidy. Watching them, one gets the impression that if they stop to take a breath their pants will fall down.

(It’s a little late in the day for that, I’d say.)

Since the end of July, Lanny Davis (Michael Cohen’s attorney) has been sneaking around as an “unnamed source” passing insider news to "easy" media like CNN. In this latest narrative, we are told that Michael Cohen is going to drop the dime on his client, Donald Trump. It seems that Cohen witnessed Trump engaged in *actual* Russian collusion.