#Syria #Russia #Nuclear war #Hillary #US Foreign Policy Lies #White Helmets

Republican State Senator Reveals Truth About Aleppo, Syria

In today's edition of Through the Looking Glass, we have VA State Senator Richard Black (R) explaining what's really going on in Aleppo, and detailing how our government is lying to us:

[video:https://youtu.be/VfyDgDTu0Go width:854 height:480]

As an added bonus, we have Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, interviewed by the BBC on Friday, calling the U.S. out on our backing of terrorists in Syria:

We Are Not Hearing the Truth About Aleppo and Syria: Running Toward War

With increased bombing, inflamed rhetoric rising on all sides and open talk of using nuclear weapons in the foreseeable future, I started digging for a more accurate assessment of the situation in Syria. The dense fog of war generated by TPTB is unprecedented; earlier attempts at understanding the players and dynamics had me signing off in frustration. Yesterday, though, I began to locate some credible sources.