
Resilience: The Corporation Is Psychopathic - Replace It With The Cooperative In Our Local Communities

How we organize ourselves is critically important.
If we organize ourselves around cooperative principles, we will mostly act cooperatively.
However, if we organize ourselves around competitive principles, competition will ensue.
Now, at a societal level, western society as a whole is organized based on competition, and particularly, war as the ultimate competition.
Our task is to reorganize our local communities along cooperative principles so as to become more resilient in a world gone mad facing unstoppable climate change. However, we must be clear in our minds about this: we cannot recreate more resilient local communities using the same competitive principles that created the mess we're in:

The corporation has no place in the human future: it is a sociopathic invention by pathologically greedy people to rob society blind.

Co-ops are the primary vehicle for weaning a local community off of corporations. The only legal forms of conducting in towns should be single-owner, partnership, and co-op. More below.

Resilience: Democratic-Socialism & Appropriate Tech Revive A Rural Town

Would you like to find ways to make your local community more resilient, more viable, more self-sufficient? Democratic-Socialism emphasizes appropriate technology to develop local communities, especially in rural areas. We'll look briefly at E.F. Schumacher's chapter on Appropriate Technology in Small Is Beautiful. Then we'll look at the example of a small town in Bavaria, called Wilpoldsried, which macgyvered its way out of where corporatist "development" had left it for dead and into a profitable future using Renewable Energies, the very best appropriate technology for small communities. More below.