We Never Forget

Hellraisers Journal: Not a Crime to Murder a Union Organizer under Colorado's "Justice" System

Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living.
-Mother Jones

Sunday February 6, 1916
From the United Mine Workers Journal: John M. O'Neil on Colorado Justice

From the Journal of February 3rd:

The Triumph of Law and Order"

(By John M. O'Neil.)
Gerald Lippiatt.jpg
Gerald Lippiatt (Center), Union Organizer & Martyr

Nearly all the daily journals of the State of Colorado have frequently attempted to defend the fair name of the State and have declared that it was only the pen of the muck-raker that has traduced the reputation of a commonwealth whose people believed in the majesty of the law. The "kept press" has howled with indignation when men, permeated with the spirit of justice, have raised their voice in denunciation of wrong garbed in the veneer of law and order.

Hellraisers Journal: Gunthug Walter Belk Acquitted of Murder of UMWA Organizer Gerald Lippiatt

Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living.
-Mother Jones

Saturday February 5, 1916
From the United Mine Workers Journal: Imported Gunthug Walter Belk Acquitted

From the Journal of February 3rd:

Justice Ravished

Gerald Lippiatt.jpg
Organizer Gerald Lippiatt, Center

In our last issue, commenting on the action of the miners' convention in pledging moral and financial support to the miners whom the men in power in the State of Colorado are attempting to condemn to felons' cells for daring to resist the oppression of the economic masters and their henchmen, their hired armies, we remarked that the counties of that State where the coal mines are located "were not ruled, but terrorized."

In the last week we have had further proof of the truth of that statement.

Walter Belk, imported from West Virginia to Colorado and there employed because of his reputation as a mankiller who could be depended upon to use his ready gun any time in the service of those who would pay him his price, was acquitted, on the instruction of the judge on the bench to the jury, of the charge of killing Gerald Lippiatt, union organizer, on the streets of Trinidad just before the opening of the strike in Southern Colorado in the fall of 1913.

WE NEVER FORGET: The Youngstown Massacre of January 7, 1916

Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living.
-Mother Jones

Candle Flame for We Never Forget.png


George Get-23
Robert Davis-24
Unknown Worker



January 7, 1916
Youngstown Steel Strike of 1915-16, Capitalist Violence, ISR Feb 1916.png

Hellraisers Journal: How Capitalists' Gunmen Broke Loose in Youngstown, Three Rebel Workers Dead

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Wednesday February 2, 1916
From the International Socialist Review: A Report on the Youngstown Massacre

This month's edition of the Review offers an overview of the Youngstown Massacre:

Youngstown Steel Strike of 1915-16, Capitalist Violence, ISR Feb 1916.png

Capitalist Violence at Youngstown


A GANG of gunmen broke loose in Youngstown, Ohio, on the night of January 7. When they got through with the paid job they came to Youngstown to do, three union workingmen were dead, twenty more labor rebels had bullet wounds on their bodies, and somewhere over $1,000,000 worth of property lay smoking in ruins.

Not a life was lost nor a bullet gash received by the enemies of labor, according to reports so far arriving. Of the $1,000,000 and more property destroyed practically all was owned by somebody else than the big steel sheet and tube works, whose workers were on strike.

Look at it. Three working class rebels are dead, murdered by hired gunmen. Who paid the gunmen and where did they come from and what were their orders? Nobody is telling. The one certainty is the dead are dead.

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks: "Thank God I have lived to be a grandmother in agitation."

Thank God I have lived to be a grandmother in agitation!
I hope I will live to be
a great-grand mother in agitation!
-Mother Jones

Monday January 31, 1916
Indianapolis, Indiana - Mother Jones Addresses Convention of United Mine Workers, Part I

Yesterday Hellraisers reported on the speech delivered by Mother Jones during Saturday's afternoon session of the United Mine Workers Convention, now in session in Indianapolis. Today we are pleased to present part one of her speech; we will offer part two in tomorrow's edition of Hellraisers.

Mother Jones Speaks to United Mine Workers Convention, Part I
January 29, 1916, in Indianapolis, Indiana
Mother Jones UMWJ, Jan 21, 1915.png

ELEVENTH DAY-AFTERNOON SESSION The convention was called to order at 1:30 p.m., Saturday, January 29th, Secretary Green in the chair......

Secretary Green—.....President White will not be here for a little while and, with your permission, we will pause for just a few minutes in our regular order to hear from Mother Jones. She is planning to leave soon and wants to say something to the boys before she leaves.

Mother Jones—Boys, I have looked over this convention from the platform, and I want to give expression to the feeling that in this gathering are men of the most highly developed brains this country can produce. You have come from the picks, but you are developing, and I want to say to you to keep on.

Now I want to call your attention to a few things. Away back in the old Roman age, two hundred years after the world’s greatest agitator was murdered by the ruling class, there arose in Carthage a tremendous agitation among the oppressed, the exploited, those who had borne the burden for ages. The Romans began to be disturbed and thought they would go down to Carthage and capture those who were responsible for the agitation. They went down. All they captured in those days they retained as slaves or sold into slavery. Among the group that was captured was one youth. The Roman judge asked, “Who are you?” The youth said, “I am a member of the human family.” “Why do you agitate?” asked the judge. “Because I belong to that class that has been crushed, robbed, murdered and maligned in all the ages, and I want to break the chains of my class.”

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks on Struggle & Socialism: The Day of the People Is Dawning.

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Wednesday January 24, 1906
From the Reading Times: Mother Jones Speaks to Large Gathering on Socialism

A large crowd gathered in Reading, Pennsylvania, Monday evening to hear Mother Jones speak. Tuesday's Reading Times reported the event:



Mother Jones, Mar 11, 1905, AtR.png

The main room of the Court House was scarce large enough to accommodate the crowd of citizens who gathered there last evening to hear "Mother" Jones expound her theories of socialism. The meeting was held under the auspices of Local Reading, of the Socialist party, and, although the meeting was announced for 8 o'clock, half an hour before that time men and women began to gather and before the hour of opening, every seat in the auditorium was taken and as many were standing as could crowd into the aisles. The space within the bar was also filled with men and women.

As the clock struck the hour of 8, T. J. Netheary, who presided during the session, called the gathering to order and briefly stated the purpose of the meeting. He felt highly honored by so large and intelligent an audience having gathered to hear live issues discussed. The meeting, he said, was being held under the auspices of Socialists, who had met to give vent to the opinions held by millions of people today. Socialism is the same the world over, and represents the only philosophy which, if put into practice, will bring relief to down-trodden mankind. To attain liberty and freedom is the goal of all well thinking people. The only difference is in the method to reach this end. The Socialist is not a pessimist, but verily believes the dawn is coming and is striving heartily to hasten that day.

Hellraisers Journal: Mayor of East Youngstown Blames Armed Company Guards for "Desolation Wrought"

There are no limits to which powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Tuesday January 11, 1916
East Youngstown, Ohio - Mayor Blames "Desolation Wrought" on Company Guards

From The Pittsburgh Sunday Post, page 2, of January 9, 1916:

Youngstown Steel Strike, Mayor Cunningham, Ptt Sun Post, Jan 9, 1916.png

East Youngstown Mayor Blames Riot
on Guards

YOUNGSTOWN, O., Jan. 8- "I am completely dazed over the horrible occurrence here and the desolation wrought," Mayor William H. Cunningham of East Youngstown said, in commenting on the riot.

"From what I have been told I fear it was caused by the armed guards on the bridge. Had the guards been kept within the limits of the mill property I doubt if there would have been any trouble.

Eye-witnesses have told me it was the guards on the bridge that fired the first shots. That aroused the fury of the mob.

"I think the trouble is over for the present and do not look for any further outbreak unless an effort is made to operate the plants with strikebreakers. There will be trouble if this is attempted."


Hellraisers Journal: Youngstown! Another Year, Another Massacre of Workers in Fight for Justice

In East Youngstown you realize that
men are here not to live but to tend the mills.
Humanity is dwarfed;
the machines which make the industry are exalted.
-Mary Heaton Vorse

Monday January 10, 1916
Youngstown, Ohio - Three Killed as Guards Open Fire on Striking Steel Workers

Our information, thus far, on the Massacre at Youngstown comes from two Pittsburgh newspapers which are clearly hostile to the striking steel workers and their supporters. What we know so far is that, according to a reporter on the scene, the first shot may have been fired by the supervisor of the company guards, which supervisor is now chief of Police in East Youngstown:

...T. J. Kinney,chief of police of East Youngstown, has resigned and his place has been taken by James M. Woltz, safety director of the Tube company. Woltz, formerly a postoffice inspector, has been in charge of 100 guards at the Tube Company's East Youngstown plant for the past week. It is said Woltz fired the first shot, but a later report had it that a guard precipitated the trouble...

From The Gazette Times of January 8, 1916:

Youngstown Steel Strike, Massacre, Ptts Gz Tx, Jan 8, 1916.png


Hellraisers Journal: Charges Against Joe Hill's Attorney Enumerated in Petition for Disbarment

The cause I stand for, that of a fair and honest trial,
is worth more than any human life-
much more than mine.
-Joe Hill

Thursday January 6, 1916
Salt Lake City, Utah - Charges Against Judge Hilton Enumerated

The Ogden Standard of December 22nd, which announced that a disbarment complaint had been filed against Joe Hill's attorney, Judge Orrin N. Hilton, enumerated the charges filed against him:


Salt Lake, Dec. 22....
Orrin N Hilton.jpg

Charges Detailed.

In conclusion the petition for disbarment of Hilton says:

The grievance committee of the State Bar association of Utah accuses the said Orrin N. Hilton of having in all the premises failed in his duty, as prescribed by his oath of office.

1. To support the laws of the state of Utah, but, on the contrary, had falsely and maliciously imputed their origin, existence and administration to a power unacknowledged and unknown to the constitution, with the intent to bring them into disrepute and contempt in this and other states of the United States.

2. That he has failed to maintain the respect due to the courts of justice and judicial officers, in that he has denounced the courts and the judges thereof-speaking as one who had absolute knowledge in the premises to the people of this and other states-as being subservient to and controlled by a religious power foreign to the law and the constitution in the exercise of their judicial duties in the judgments pronounced in causes involving the lives and liberties of the people; and in exhibiting toward the judges and the courts a contemptuous disregard of their authority, and in imputing to them dishonorable and unlawful motives and acts, all tending to bring the administration of justice into disrepute, and tending to lessen the regard and the respect of the people for judicial tribunal.
