voter suppression

The best article I've seen on the Democratic Primary

I apologize in advance for this crappy excuse for a diary, but I'm experiencing a repetitive motion-induced pain up and down my arm and really shouldn't be on a keyboard today!

However, I saw a link to this article on Twitter. It's about 3 weeks old. It's the clearest analysis of the election I've seen yet, and I wanted to draw folks' attention to it.

Here it is. I hope it's useful to you guys. The author is clear-headed and honest.

Arizona Voter Suppression: Open Thread

I'd like to collect some of the growing body of evidence that fraud played a role in the Arizona fiasco. If you've got something, post it.

Here's a video wherein they admit fraud took place, also the exit polls seem highly irregular as well, so here's a link:

What do you think?
