useful idiots

"You're Lazy", Said Every Non-Disabled, Neuro-Typical Person Ever

It's easy to judge a person who has dealt with multiple disabilities their entire lives who isn't working as 'lazy'. It's what most people do. Even people with other disabilities, i.e. "I have ADD and I do just fine."

Funnily enough, even if I were working a McJob or was working as a greeter at Walmart (Many people with disabilities often work as greeters), these same individuals still wouldn't be satisfied.

George Orwell explained by former KGB defector--useful idiots

While rummaging aroud YouTube today I came across an intriguiging video dating to the "end" of the Cold War, or so we are lead to believe. Two years ago, I would have brushed aside the critique of the U.S. body politic as a cynical, self-serving, self-aggrandizing statement by one Yuri Bezmenov