US government corruption

Please listen to this

I am going to do something I never do and that is post a video without analysis. Tim Black has posted this video from his call in show. It is almost 25 minutes long and is the audio of just one woman who called in recently. He has posted her call as a stand alone video without any comment because of the importance of what she had to say about our government and our society.

This Weekend's Must-See TV: "The Empire Files: Abby Martin Exposes John Podesta"

Some things speak for themselves. But, when it comes to Washington D.C. fixer-extraordinaire John Podesta, Abby Martin has pulled it all together in a 23:50 exposé, just posted today over at YouTube. (Note: It's produced by TRNN's Paul Jay. It is, definitively, this weekend's must-see-tv, and it's not to be missed. Powerful stuff!)
