Outside the Asylum
Submitted by Cant Stop the M... on Sun, 08/09/2020 - 5:53am

Just Deserts
Cake or death--that’s a pretty easy question. I mean, anyone can answer that.
Eddie Izzard
Just Deserts
Cake or death--that’s a pretty easy question. I mean, anyone can answer that.
Eddie Izzard
Something/Someone Old
Naughty or Nice
It’s Yuletide, and this year I’m invoking one of my least favorite parts of the Christmas mythology.
I think of it as the Nicholas Spy Agency. Santa as the Deep State.
Something/Someone Old
The first black-and-white ball happened on Nov 28, 1966, and was invented (and hosted) by Truman Capote:
Something/Someone Old
This is pretty cool. Take a look at the oldest post office:
Something/Someone Old
Well, this isn't exactly something old, but it is something used. I suppose it counts.
Meet my new dining room table, which is somebody else's old dining room table: