
UKRAINE: 3 good articles at

Rick Rozoff's short article lists a Russian proposal for removal of nuclear weapons from non-nuclear Europe.

Dan Sjursen points out why US/NATO cannot win a non-nuclear war over Ukraine.

And David Stockman explains why our addiction to regime change makes our criticism of Crimea's vote to join the Russian Federation so hypocritical. Not to mention our annexation of certain territories.

The Weekly Watch

Warmongering, Wealth, and World Wide Deception

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BoJo and Brandon are in political hot water. What to do? Better stoke another war, and make the war machine puppet masters happy. After all the CIA controlled main stream news will create public support. It's the empires last gasp (I hope). I find it interesting how few, even in alternative media, delve into Brandon's role in the Ukrainian coup. I mean how did his son (and Kerry's nephew) end up with a $50,000/month gig on an Ukrainian oil board? More recently US incompetence was on display in the failed coup in Kazakhstan. With Ukraine, seems we're in a Cuban missile crisis in reverse.

