The Weekly Watch
Submitted by Lookout on Sun, 04/28/2024 - 6:27am
We Need a New Business Model

The US war economy is driven by the MIC (AIPAC, oil, pharma, big AG, etc.) lobby. The ownership is on display. Last Saturday our purchased representatives financed more genocide, destruction, and global chaos, along with the suppression of free speech banning TikTok, plus the theft of Russian assets (bound to undermine the USD)...and this is our business model. What a failed system! The "deep state" mafia carrot and stick persuaded Johnson (and Trump) to flip on their stated priorities...they obviously caved.
"You know they got six ways from Sunday to get you!"
Look at the country which results from these warmongering policies...(2 min)
If you've only got 2 minutes to understand how the Biden administration is destroying America, this is the video that you need to
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) April 22, 2024