tuesday open thread

Tuesday Open Thread: Jesus and Woody and Ry Cooder

US conservative Christian leaders' willingness to support a president known for lying, cheating and stoking of bigotry has generated calls of hypocrisy. Big Al recently pointed out how "sacred" scripture is being misused to explain away Godawful behavior. Yet from their perspective, the Trump administration has delivered on its promises to advance a conservative agenda.

Unfortuanately, despite how much we belittle these practices and wish they did not matter, the power and money behind them packs a powerful punch. We damned well better realize that fact and find spiritual resources of our own ... or we will continue to be kicked to the political curb.

And that brings us to the immortal Woody Guthrie and his disciple Ry Cooder ...

THE TALKING STICK: lullabys, legends, and lies

Gather round fellows I`ll tell you some tales about murder and blueberry pies
And heroes and hells and bottomless wells and lullabys legends and lies
And gather round ladies come sit at my feet I`ll sing about warm sunny skies
There`s mermaids and beans and lovin` machines in my lullabys legends and lies
Lullabys legends and lies and lies lullabys legends and lies
I`ll sing you a song then I`ll shuffle along with my lullabys legends and lies