
Lambda Legal sues DoJ and Education

DOJ and the Education Department under President Trump claimed the Obama administration had failed to explain how transgender protections are consistent with the express language of Title IX.

Lambda Legal argues in the court filing that the new administration's decision creates confusion for schools across the country and eliminates an important resource for ensuring that schools meet their Title IX obligations.


I did not watch Trump's "first ever prime-time address to the nation" on Monday evening. I can't stand to have someone lie to my face...and when that someone calls himself the President of the United States, that's just one more reason not to listen.

I read his words this morning. I had to get up at 4:45 AM to take Debbie to the airport for a flight to DC for a conference in Arlington, so what was I gonna do after I got back home?

Too many

Last Saturday in Waxahachie, TX, Gwynevere River Song reportedly got into an argument with another adult in her home, which led to that other person shooting Song to death. We have no idea what the argument concerned, but we do know that Song was a transgender woman. The assailant was also injured during the shooting and he was transported to a hospital.

Texas bathroom bills die a painful death

Legislators this year spent countless hours talking about who should use which bathroom in Texas. But they failed to pass proposals that would restrict where transgender Texans relieve themselves or change clothes, leading Gov. Greg Abbott to add the item to his special session agenda.

--Dallas News
