
#CNNisGarbage and actively trying to sink Bernie, while Liz the Consumer Protector is really The House Flipper who's getting more desperately vicious in tandem with CNN

Just a few things I'm going to lay here for the community.

Her true self is coming to the fore. And it's nasty, desperate and pathetic. Fortitude and character are put to the test during the more trying times of a campaign and she's failing spectacularly. She's not our ally. As someone at Chapo put it, "she went from overenthusiastic librarian to vicious middle manager asking underlings to come into her office real quick."

Taibbi Calls Out The Colluding Establishment Meltdown of Screaming "Russia!" At Everything, As A Concerted Effort To Crush Dissent.

In the high-profile pages of Rolling Stone, Matt Taibbi just did what has been on every sane person in this country's mind: a respected journalist letting loose with what needs to be said about this upside down, embarrassing epoch.