renew the struggle

The political system of the United States is weaker now

than it has ever been.

It is time to turn on the oppressors. Their rotten foundation is laid bare for all to see.

Smash the oligarchs and close their dens of thieves. There is little point in wasting time with the past. It is gone. The wreckage awaits new creators.

Peace and love be with you, readers.

There was November seventh, now there is a November eighth


You have kept vigil in the night or have awoken to the exposing of a new reality.

The dispossessed know the elites have sold them out.

There was a great victory this night for those who have waited for the arrow of hypocrisy to spring from its bow and at last strike the archer.

One of the beast's two arms has been broken.

We must now dispatch the beast before its death throes destroy the lives of billions.

Struggle forward together.

Everyone get together and get past the theater of the United States elections and its government.

Disengage, collaborate, and make change happen locally.

Build on the ground the movement we want to see in five or ten years.

This is the kairos, the opportune time. This election has handed progressives the greatest gift: the self-destruction of a party of criminals, and the rise of a party which is naked in its intentions.