
The Dose 11-7-21


A column for considerate conversation of COVID.

Is it a Plandemic? I keep thinking about the various pandemic exercises like Event 201 -

... run by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation on Friday, October 18, 2019.
For those that forget, this means this TEST-RUN was done 1 month before the 1st case of the virus was reported to the world in Wuhan. 1 month.
It simulated a series of dramatic, scenario-based facilitated discussions, confronting difficult, true-to-life dilemmas associated with response to a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, pandemic. 15 global business, government, and public health leaders were players in the simulation exercise that highlighted unresolved real-world policy and economic issues that could be solved with sufficient political will, financial investment, and attention now and in the future.

more here.

Most of us are aware of that simulation, but what about Rockerfeller's 2010 lockdown scenario? That bombshell report below the fold...