Pfriday Fotos

Friday Night Photos Hide And Seek Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, memes, or music you like.

Last Thursday afternoon I was at the computer putting Friday Night Photos together. Since it was a nice day I had the back door open and I could hear a pair of Red-shouldered Hawks calling nearby. I didn't think much of it since I hear them all the time. After a while the calling was not coming from nearby but from one of the Eucalyptus trees in my backyard so I grabbed the binoculars and went to the back door to have a look. Just as I was raising the binoculars to my eyes the hawk flew off to another part of the tree out of my view. While cursing my bad luck I noticed some movement in the tree. When I looked at that part of the tree I saw there was a Barn Owl sitting there. That's when I grabbed the camera and went outside to try and get some shots of the owl. I got a few shots of the hawks before they decided I posed a bigger threat than the owl and they flew off, and the owl, no longer threatened, lowered its head to its chest and went to sleep. Two hours later the owl was still in the tree sleeping when the hawks came back to harass it some more. I went out with the camera again and the hawks left again. A few hours later as the sun set and darkness closed in the owl was still sleeping peacefully in the tree.

A very good hider. Can you find the Barn Owl?