
Hellraisers Journal: -The International Socialist Review: Pittsburgh Steel Strike & Homestead Tactics

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Thursday June 1, 1916
The International Socialist Review on the Pittsburgh Steel Strike

Pittsburgh Steel Strike, Blast Furnace Workers, ISR June 1916.png

Hellraisers Journal: New Castle, Pennsylvania, Remembers James Connolly, Editor of The Free Press

The great appear great to us,
only because we are on our knees:
-James Connolly

Friday May 19, 1916
New Castle, Pennsylvania - James Connolly Edited Socialist Free Press

From the New Castle News of May 15, 1916:

Irish Rebels of 1916, James Connolly, New Castle (PA) News w:text, May 15, 1916 .png

Hellraisers Journal: Illustrations & Report from the Anthracite Hills of Pennsylvania by Robert Minor

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Wednesday April 12, 1916
From the International Socialist Review: Robert Minor: "In the Anthracite Hills"

Robert Minor, Company Shacks, Scranton PA, ISR Apr 1916.png

Hellraisers Journal: Review of John Spargo's "The Bitter Cry of the Children,” Enslaved at Ages 4 & 5!

Capital has neither morals nor ideals; its interests are always
and everywhere expressible in terms of cash profits.
Capital in the United states in the twentieth century calls for children
as loudly as it called in England a century ago.
-John Spargo

Friday March 16, 1906
From The New York Times: "The Children of the Poor," Part II

In its March 3rd edition, the Times published an in-depth review of the newly published book by John Spargo which documents the suffering of the millions of children who are born and reared in poverty within our great American prosperity. Yesterday we present part one of that review, entitled "Children of the Poor." We conclude the article today with part two.


A Passionless but Terrible Description of
Their Condition in This Country.*
Bitter Cry, Spargo, Little Tenement Toilers, Feb 1906.png

Completing a Score

 photo KieshaJenkins_zpsp1u3toie.jpgKiesha Jenkins lived in North Philadelphia. At Oh-Dark-Thirty Tuesday morning, Keisha got a ride from someone to Hunting Park in Logan.

Upon exiting the vehicle Keisha was surrounded by five or six men who proceeded to beat her. Then one of the men took out a gun and shot her twice in the back.

When police arrived, they rushed Keisha to a hospital, where she was later declared dead.

The twenty-two year old transgender woman is the twentieth transgender woman in the US known to have been murdered this year.

Right now we don't have any motive. We don't know if it's potentially a hate crime or if it was a robbery. We really don't know. It's too early in the investigation to tell.

--Philadelphia Police Captain James Clark
