The Coolest Mayor in America Is Running For Senate in Pennsyvlania
John Fetterman has been mayor of the borough of Braddock, PA (just outside of Pittsburgh) for about 10 years, and is pretty popular there. SnappleBC had a great post up a couple weeks ago, making note of Fetterman in one of his writeups on down-ticket races, but I thought it would be good to share this interview too, since it recently got noticed by Bill Moyers' team (it originally appeared at "In These Times").
Fetterman is seriously worthy of "Sanders Democrat" status, and has already endorsed Bernie. This is a big deal in this part of Allegheny County--I was born and raised about 30 miles from Braddock, and have seen firsthand (and get a good dose every time I go home to visit) that while the city of Pittsburgh itself is pretty damned blue, you get a couple miles outside of town in just about any direction, and you start falling over a lot of disenfranchised indies who lean red and a lot of GOP in general. There's a lot of distrust of Big Government and a shit-ton of hatred of limousine liberals. Fetterman has wooed those voters and it sounds like he's making quite a few inroads with them:
Republicans contact me all the time saying, “Look, I may not agree with everything you’re saying, but I’m changing my registration to vote for you because I respect what you do.”
But what has he done for the borough? A lot--this is simply amazing:
We’ve gone five-and-a-half years with- out a murder. We eliminated the extreme violence that was endemic to the community, through a community policing model that doesn’t generate civilian complaints or allegations of abuse. After the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center closed its hospital in town, we opened an urgent care center and restored affordable healthcare to our citizens. We’ve also been able to attract small businesses back.
I am so heartened to see this happening in my old stomping grounds. This is a critical race, and it's a great interview, to boot. Flipping Pat Toomey out of his cushy-ass bought-off Senate seat would be a major coup. The whole interview is an excellent read, but this is one of my favorite points:
Donald Trump’s slogan is “Make America Great Again.” Is there an alternative narrative that you’d like to advance?
My campaign has released a one-sentence press release calling Donald Trump a “jagoff ,” which is Western Pennsylvania for jerk. Populism has a dark side and Donald Trump is mining that for all it’s worth by saying reprehensible things about Muslims, about immigrants, about you name it. If you get to live vicariously through that and cheer him on, I don’t expect to get your vote, and frankly, I don’t want it.
A JAGOFF! LOL! That's perfect. It's funny, though, I think Fetterman's just watching his tongue when he says it means "jerk", it's one of those all-purpose Pittsburghese slang words that can mean more than that, depending on how you say it
ANYway, Fetterman is definitely for real, full-stop. He GETS it:
In Pennsylvania, you either live in a legacy city, used to live in one or still have family there. We want to see these cities succeed. Why have we squandered trillions of dollars on unsuccessful interventions in the Middle East yet let our communities fall into despair?
Do you describe yourself as populist?I would describe myself as a realist. It’s real that you can’t live off $9 an hour. Climate change is real. I think we can all agree that you shouldn’t hear gunshots at night. I don’t call that populist. It’s just the commonsense characteristics of a compassionate democracy.
Pennsylvania could get it together and start getting back to a decent standard of living for all its residents, starting in November, if they could vote out that lickspittle Pat Toomey and elect John Fetterman. This is so great to see--I wish him much luck and will probably pony up a ten spot or two to his campaign (you can do that here). Thanks for reading!

Pretty impressed with his success with the police department. And telling Trump like it is.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
That kind of policing success in Braddock
is a huge deal. I was gobsmacked to read his stat. Braddock has long been one of the most violent areas in the immediate suburbs of Pittsburgh. I found a great blog post with some amazing pictures here of Braddock, it's a real eye-opener in terms of what Fetterman has been up against in his job as mayor.
I am sooooo old
I remember getting dressed up and taking the streetcars into Braddock for shopping with my grandmother. It was a great shopping place! Then the 80's. RayGun brought us the Braddock of the late 80's.
From easton pa
He is on our radar. Great ad about Braddock. Thanks for the link!
Victory Party at Up Jumped the Devil !!! /nt
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Is that a new club in the 'burgh or something? I'm confooooosed
It's bar in Braddock
Or was. It has been awhile.
It was just off the Rankin Bridge, on the main street of Braddock, and just down from Talbot Towers.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Holllywood Show Bar...
That's the only place I can remember that was near that area. I believe it was in Wilmerding, Wall or Pitcairin. The place was always super packed and I'm sure way beyond the fire code occupancy...
"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN
The people of C99
At least the vast majority, would stand out from the crowd at Up Jumped the Devil.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Holllywood Show Bar...
That's the only place I can remember that was near that area. I believe it was in Wilmerding, Wall or Pitcairin. The place was always super packed and I'm sure way beyond the fire code occupancy...
"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN
He sounds really impressive
It's nice to hear of someone advancing progressive policies in a deep blue area. I live in Pueblo, and frankly we could use somebody like him.
This is my first post on caucus99 by the way, nice to meet you all.
Welcome! eom
The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. --Aesop
Welcome from Mars
That's the "red planet". Now you have landed in the blue. Glad to have you aboard. Please contribute your thoughts.
We used to play you guys
Mars has really grown since I lived nearby.
Great place. The band parents ran the concessions. Never eat dinner before a Mars football game. They have pierogi, stuffed cabbage, pizza, fries, keilbassa, dogs with kraut, ...
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
I lived right in that immediate area pre-80's
When you see a Gimbel's department store turned into a weekend flea market that means the sun is getting pretty high for a community's economy...
I'm glad for the decrease in violence; Braddock/Swissvale/North Braddock/Homestead/Wilkinsburg were kinda' bad ass places even when all the mills were workin' the Timken Schedule 24/7. Being from Braddock even back then meant "don't mess with him he's from bradik".
J&L Steel was already gone and U.S. Steel Duquesne blast furnaces were tapped for the last time - no more slag pit glow in the night sky. I witnessed the first McDonald's ever to fold up shop because of the local depression (depression is what it is) - that was 25 years ago. Ronald McDonald split and that was the signal for the bell that rang "bust". - 30 years of downhill slide. I don't visit much anymore it's too gut wrenching.
I don't see much of a future for the area but Fetterman's campaign of less violence and getting the "doctor in box" back are monumental achievements for this hard hit area. And if visiting the Mon Valley as it is now is not scary enough, just imagine a middle class wiped out nationwide and we're talking "third world" America in a heart beat.
The playing field certainly was tilted towards disaster for this area with short sighted corporate planning and globalization that took root so goddamn fast...
I wish Fetterman all the best, we're going to need a Fetterman and a Sanders to level up this playing field - either we all share the suffering of the rust belt and areas like Detroit and the Mon Valley or we say "the pie is big enough if we all get a slice". Mom used to settle sharing the pie squabbles between brothers by saying "one cuts the other chooses". We need to choose the right candidates or bust! (pun intended)...
Best wishes to y'unz!!
Go Steelers
"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN
Before Woodland Hills
General Braddock came out to Lower Burrell (Burrell HS) to play football. They looked like a rag-tag bunch, beat the snot out of us and returned to Braddock.
My Sweetie was a school social worker for Woodland Hills and I lived in Wilkinsburg, but up on the hill near Graham Blvd. Sweetie had to take a policeman with her to visit Talbot Towers.
I was fishin' for people who know Braddock with the Up Jumped The Devil comment.
I have a buddy who grew up in fabulous Braddock Heights. Back in the 90's, he inherited the family home and turned it into a rental. When it turned into a crack house, he went to the Braddock police, and they said, "What are you going to do about it?". I had to talk him out of committing arson.
Is there a Winky's in Wilmerding?
Peace, anat
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
I want to vote for him.
But I'm really worried that McGinty could get the nod.
Oh, great, another
Machine Democrat. I never heard of McGinty before today, but Spidey sense says 'ugh' with just one read of her Wiki page. And Joe Sestak is in this mix, too? Oy....Fetterman looks like the best choice, but I hear you....
I'm a western pa
I'm a western pa environmentalist and have never been impressed by her. Her credentials are allegedly environmental (she's held a lot of environmental posts) but she is the pro fracking candidate. She's always been weakest on environmental issues. More of an industry friendly enviro I guess. As in, she isn't all bad, but she's never really great.
He's really doing a great job in Braddock. So far he has managed to improve Braddock without gentrifying it. I mean, sure it has one of the best brewpubs in the city, but so far Braddock remains Braddock - just safer and growing in economic strength. I spent some time door knocking in Braddock over 10 years ago but moved a little further north so mostly just pop in for this and that here and there now.
Braddock is prime for gentrification
There are some great brick houses that would fix up nice. Spaced out better than Swissvale or Rankin. I left about 16 years ago, but still go back, my best college bud and one of our Jazzfest Krewe lives on Brown Road between the Parkway and Turtle Creek.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
people seem to miss
the corruption at local levels, whether D or R, just how pervasive that old boys network is
besides living in Leiden, we have a small place in Bucks County in one of the "progressive" strongholds . . . i'm afraid some of it is still cocktail party liberals feeling good about simply having the conversation without holding feet to the fire.
the good news? i'll be there to vote in the primary for #berniesanders and will be back in November for the general, even if it is to write in a candidate.
are you any where near Bucks? is it too soon to call for a C99P meetup?????????
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"