
the real challenge - OUR perspective

We participate on this site and others. We understand the value of Bernie Sanders or OWS. We understand that "the Economy" isn't something that just happens, but that it's a result of deliberate government policies. We see the blatant corruption of the dem party. We know that trump is a vacuous buffoon. We know who paul ryan and mitch mcturtell and Merrick Garland and rahm immanuel are. We know what's wrong with chained cpi and private prisons and school choice and tpp.

the Hillary coalescense is more proof the fix is in

When it comes right down to it, labels like "republican" and "democrat" take a back seat to what's really important: heeding the demands of the $$$ behind all of them that the current regime of unaccountable looting be upheld at all costs. Thus, you see establishment "left" and, in a slightly less open manner, establishment "right" falling in line to elect $ellery, because the $$$ knows their game will be safe in her hands.