Open Thread

Disability Caucus 8/16/16: 'The Deserving' and A Starting Point

There's something that really pisses me off about this particular argument about people who deserve benefits and people who don't. That's one of the many topics I had to deal with when my mom and her partner visited. The guy is a real piece of work, let me tell you. Before I deleted my account, I argued with him quite a bit on facebook, especially when Bernie Sanders came up.

Open Tummler 08/16/16

First things first: although the Building & Loan has for the nonce been saved, and George (a.k.a. Johnny), he does not now have to go into the prison, all is, not yet, not Saved, from Lost.

Because, while the people have kicked in roughly $3000 to the caucus99 kitty, and further pledged some $855 per month, so that Johnny does not elsewhere have to earn his crust, still, that latter figure, it is but one-fourth the amount Johnny said he requires, or one-half that of which he has said he might, with, settle.

So. Let us open our hymnals. And proceed first to this Dallasdoc canticle, and next to this davidincleveland evensong. There, let us give. And give generously.

Hast thou given? Okay, then. On with the show.

Some Summer Flowers: Street Prophets Sunday All Day Brunch

Welcome to Sunday Brunch. This is an open topic thread so help yourself to the goodies and sit a spell and let us know what is new with you. I finally felt good enough to take my smaller camera out and take some pictures of the beautiful flowers we have growing around this apartment complex. I must say I have never lived in a more beautiful landscaped place then here. Of course I sort of forgot to check the weather report first figuring that early in the morning was going to be okay.

The Weekly Watch

I'm trying a little different approach this week limiting the links to fewer stories. Some of the clips are long, but just watch what interests you. I have used just links rather than embedded video to aid in easy loading. I hope you find at least one piece of interest. Please add any stories you think are important in the comments below, or just share what's on your mind. Have a great Sunday.

C99p Matching Monthly Pledge Drive: Final Update!

UPDATE: 5:30PM MDT Well, folks, I've been away today, but I'd like to announce that a total of $855 in new monthly donation pledges have been recorded in the comments of this diary! And that doesn't include the very generous $100 monthly pledge Hawkfish set up a couple of weeks ago. You are all awesome and I love you!
