
What if they were all honest?

Right now I'm imagining a world in which everyone were honest. What would it look like? First off, it would produce a lot of memorable quotes, and we can play a fun game trying to imagine those quotes. Here is a sampler:

"I think our petty disputes, power-mongering, and money-grubbing behaviors are more important than the survival of civilization. Besides, the military and shadow governments have guns pointed at our heads." -- nearly every world leader

The Alt-Right's Obsession With Pedophilia, Paranoia and How it Obfuscates Real Crime

If you've been on youtube, facebook and twitter, chances are you've likely heard about pizzagate. To sum it up, pizzagate involves the conspiracy that the 'elites' were running a pedophilia ring out of a DC pizza joint. Ridiculous, right? That didn't stop someone from shooting up a DC pizza joint based on tips from Alex Jones, to which the people who spun the story responded by calling it a false flag (more on false flags later).