
DPRK vs. Trump, no contest

North Korea is playing the Long Game and has scored a significant victory against the US. Trump is ill suited to be running US foreign policy at this time. Any competent leader would understand the situation and negotiate a face-saving long term treaty for peace on the Korean peninsula. Instead, Trump is blustering and threatening and in the long run will have to declare bankruptcy, screw his creditors and claim victory... as usual.

Observation Report: Limited power(inspired by Gerrits" Fukushima diary)

Okay, maybe not totally inspired by his essay, but Gerrits' post on the Fukushima nonsense, and it's impact has made me decide to make known my observations on Humanity's energy brokers fascination with limited supply energy as opposed to renewables. "Wait, what has that got to do with Fukushima?" one may ask. I will get to it, but Uranium is also something of limited supply such as Oil/coal and gas.