#Medicare For All

The Task-Force Recommendation on Heatlh Care: my thoughts

Adding one more voice to the Democrats' "best we can do" discourse on health care is the "Biden-Bernie Task Force," which came out with its recommendations Wednesday. As Natalie Shure of In These Times pointed out, what's missing from the health care portion of these recommendations is Medicare for All.

Tulsi's Healthcare Plan: Single Payer Plus

Some extra tidbits have been becoming clear regarding Tulsi's planned healthcare initiative.

The first is that she intends to call it Single Payer Plus to differentiate it from Medicare for All, which she feels is being co-opted by a number of campaigns. She started to use the term a couple days ago while campaigning in Charleston, South Carolina (forward to 29 minutes or so):

Tulsi Campaign Early Note on Medicare for All

According to a poster on Reddit, the Tulsi campaign came out with a statement around the Medicare for All questions that have been circulating. The quote seems partial and I can't find the original source (hasn't come through campaign emails or on their website). If someone can find the original, that'd be good confirmation.

But at any rate, here is the quote:

Vox on single payer: Kos triple-talk as usual


who used to play on a Certain Other Blog have grown accustomed to reading reams of what I now refer to as "Moulitsian Triple-Speak": lip service to progressive ideals used as a light coating over a heavy core of true loyalty to the Koch brothers and the billionaire class.

Please permit your humble scribe to submit the following article for your consideration. It appeared on the vox.com website, of which Markos Moulitsas is a founder. As I noted in this Comment, it may as well have been written by Markos himself.

The article: Medicare for all: company health insurance at risk under single payer

We can't afford Medicare-For-All, but we CAN afford this
