Trump Administration attacks Medicare For All; fails badly
Remember when the Koch Brothers attacked Medicare For All, and instead proved that it would save money?
So now it's Trump's turn to attack MFA, and you can probably guess how this one turned out.
Earlier today, the White House released a paper titled “The Opportunity Costs of Socialism.” Weirdly, it contains a chart that actually makes a pretty decent argument for single-payer health care.The chart compares wait times for seniors in countries like Canada, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, and the United States. It purports to show that seniors in single-payer countries wait much longer than those here in the United States.
Looks pretty clear.
The American system is clearly better.
Except that those are seniors, and seniors are on Medicare!
Thus we should all be on Medicare, duh!
And if you really want to compare wait times from the United States to other single-payer countries, you should probably look more broadly at our wait times — not just comparing seniors in our two countries, but comparing the entire population. And, luckily, the Commonwealth Fund publishes a report that does just that!What is says — and I’ll dive into the numbers in a moment — is that American wait times look a lot worse when you add in all the people with private insurance or no insurance at all. Instead of having the shortest wait times, we’re more like middle of the pack.
This all means that the people in Medicare, our government-run program, are doing just fine on waits. But the people who have to shop for coverage in the private market? They’re waiting longer.
All these figures and data points tell me that the Trump chart doesn’t say what the White House seems to think it says. It isn’t telling us that single-payer health care has long wait times. If anything, it says that it is possible to build a single-payer system with short wait times — and our Medicare program has already done it.
At this rate we should applaud the right-wing's attempts are "disproving" MFA.
So who wrote this laughable piece of trash?
The report is titled "The Opportunity Costs of Socialism," and it reads like it was written by the guy who wrote the Dow: 36,000 book published right before the dot-com stock market crash — oh wait, turns out the co-author is now chair of the CEA. What fun times we live in.
Once they eliminate Medicare, wait times should
improve dramatically since hospitals and doctor offices will be pretty much empty.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
A lot of Dems are running on MFA
Not the leadership, but a lot
PNHP is still pushing for MFA / Single Payer
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
the 64 trillion dollar question is, what percentage
of Canadian seniors would have waited 4+ weeks to see a specialist if Canada spent as much per capita as we do?
you will also note that, not insignificantly, the results exclude "respondents who never attempted to get an appointment." -- so we'll never know how many american seniors waited FOREVER because they knew they couldn't afford whatever treatment would be recommended (in particular, prescriptions) by the specialist. hell, we'll never know how many of them couldn't afford to take a day off work to get to a clinic.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
The AMerican figure would also be skewed by
specialist appointments made just to milk Medicare or private insurance. I used to be a taxi driver. Every day I took an elderly person to their weekly appointment to some doctor, often a podiatrist who's office was a third floor walk-up. Medicare can be easily gamed, and private insurance will simply pass the costs on in higher premiums, so they have no incentive to fight fraud unless it gets really egregious. (the aforementioned podiatrist was thrown in prison eventually)
On to Biden since 1973
Medicare ha been around for 50 years
Someone would have gamed it by now.
A suggested explanation
Medicine is actually a difficult way to get rich - med school leaves you with a huge debt and office and insurance costs are huge. If you're honest you really have to work.
OTOH, If you cheat, price gouging and fraud and such, you still have to work hard, but the return can be enormous.
Big incentive.
Now let's compare with a reformed system. little or no school debt, much lower insurance costs (85% of malpractice awards go to repairing the damage done by the malpractice, but with single payer the repair costs would be "free") The reduction in paperwork, etc from private insurance would reduce office costs by nearly 50%. Suddenly a doctor can make a decent living with only a normal workload, reducing the incentive to criminality. (rhetorical question: How many Canadian doctors make a senior citizen come in every week for a 10 minute "appointment" just so he can charge the government $500?)
On to Biden since 1973
The tide IS turning...
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
The emphasis on "specialists'...
skews the numbers even more.
For profit health care systems encourage referrals to Specialists because they generate more revenue than the same treatments administered by General Practitioners.
So yeah, wait times to see Specialists are shorter because we have more of them, but that doesn't say anything about the number of patients in those other countries who didn't need to see a Specialist in the first place because the GP treated the issue.
There is a really nice HuffPo piece from 2016 about the rise of the US specialist-oriented health system and how self-serving it all is.
None of that shows up in Trump's chart.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?