meat consumption

The Weekly Watch

Food for Thought

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Our food system is about as sound as our health system, economic system, education system, and government in general...controlled by corporations (as are their respective regulators). Last week we looked at the Great Reset, and discovered one of their goals is for us to eat less meat. I want to look into that idea today, and illustrate it's fallacy. (23 min)

The Weekly Watch

The Meat of the Matter

This week we'll try to take a substantive look at some of the week's news as well as discuss the health of meat production and consumption. Vegans and vegetarians will not be disparaged nor criticized, however I think meat consumption and production has been vilified by those who do not understand ecological farming nor health. I heard one scientist suggest that we did not evolve to eat meat, we evolved because we ate meat. We all have (or had) canine teeth. E. O. Wilson suggests our brains evolved when we learned to cooperate and we became truly social creatures which he calls eusocial (“eu-” meaning true). In our early development we were either running after something or running from something. Both activities benefited from some level of cooperation.

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Meat Consumption's Hidden Costs to Climate Change and Wildlife

Meat production causes more environmental harm than any other single industry, endangering wildlife, contributing at least 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions and accounting for 80% of antibiotic use, 37% of pesticide use and nearly 50% of water use in the United States.