Waking Back Biden’s Philadelphia Speech
Submitted by Pluto's Republic on Tue, 09/06/2022 - 8:37am Appararently, if you took Biden’s Philadelphia speech seriously, and thought, perhaps, you were hearing a totalitarian doctrine scripted by his Neocon handlers and advisors, then you missed the practical joke.
If you saw Biden’s lips reading the telepromptor and it sounded like a right-wing Democratic President delivering threats to silence or criminalize dissenters and truthtellers, who object to the Presidential empowerment of neoliberal economic policies, or international war-mongering provocations against nuclear enabled superpowers — well, you missed the clever trick.
Enter desk-bound journalist, David Frum, who has jotted a few paragraphs at the Atlantic, that completely explain how Biden’s speech wasn’t what you thought it was. Biden’s speech, according to Frum, was actually an elaborate sting operation. It was designed to trap Donald Trump into an angry response — and at the same time prove to the world that he is an important member of the Republican Party!