Krystal Ball

The failure of political imagination: Trump 4th of July post-mortem edition.

Folks, this is more or less a sequel to my previous diary, The Failure of Political Imagination -- if you haven't read it, you should read it now, and then come back to this diary. As such, this diary will be short and sweet, because what I really want is for more people to read my previous diary.

Yang's #BoycottMSNBC shows how the network lost the left

Krystal Ball: Andrew Yang's #BoycottMSNBC shows how the network lost the left

In this interesting The Hill Rising spot they discuss the anti-progessive bias and internal machinations of MSNBC.

Krystal Ball explains why she supports Andrew Yang's boycott of MSNBC.

There's A Very Dynamic Synergy Going On Now With Online Left Media, #BoycottMSNBC Is Trending Too.

This feeling has been present with me for a long time now. I've been trying to pinpoint it but can't really. It must have been around the time of the 2015-2016 Democratic Primary that it began to become more apparent and coalesce as a tangible thing to me. Perhaps two of the biggest examples have been the success of Chapo Trap House and the Jimmy Dore Show, both unapologetic, hilarious and radical shows (the former more dashingly radical than the latter) with tons of subscribers.