Across The Great Divide

KPFA has to be right up there as one of my favorite on line listening posts.


Much of the stations programming is devoted to in depth coverage current events and politics.

Which brings us to Across the Great Divide, where music lyric overlaps with those other concerns.


The late Kate Wolf composed the tune that give the show its name.


Enjoy more songs from last Sunday's show "below the fold"

The 1990’s, A Democratic President and the War Against Immigrants

Investigative reporter and documentary filmmaker John Carlos Frey grew up at the US-Mexico border, witnessing how the border has been militarized in a non-declared war in the last 30 years. He has dedicated his award-winning journalistic career to covering border issues.


Tulsi Update: March 15, 2019 (KPFA Interview, SF Bay Area/Las Vegas Visits)


Yesterday morning, Tulsi gave a 20-minute interview on Flashpoints on KPFA radio.

For those of you who were earlier seeking more detail about what she would do as commander-in-chief, and if she is really a secret shill for the military-industrial complex, I think this is the clearest interview yet about what she would do and has done in that area.

Letters And Politics: a green New deal

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Letters & Politics seeks to explore the history behind today’s major global and national news stories. A look at burning political issues and debates and their historical context within the US and worldwide, hosted by Mitch Jeserich.

To fight climate change, we need another stimulus package, a green stimulus package.
Government spending to generate jobs is a strategy pioneered in Depression America. The President called it the New Deal. Now the United Nations wants governments to spend on green jobs to combat climate change.

Independent, Progressive, Socialist, Left News (Where Do YOU Find It?!)

Over the past decades, commuting to work or driving around, as well as at home, I often tuned into National Public Radio (NPR) and listened as it changed from a somewhat decent source of information and news into just yet another establishment mouthpiece funded by conservative think tanks, the Koch machine, etc. It was the only place I knew to get any semblance of "real" news, even though I knew it was heavily biased. I mean, where else was there to go?!? Talk radio? Good luck there!