
USS Fitzgerald 1 month later: haze lifting from the "Crystal ball"

Thirty days ago today the USS Fitzgerald (DDG-62) was rammed by the Japanese-flagged container ship ACX Crystal causing significant damage. This is the third essay about this unmitigated disaster. Unmitigated because no matter how it happened NOTHING GOOD can emerge from this for the USN and USA.

Initial skirmish of World War 3: the Battle of the Black Sea. Hint, we lost.

So you think about what does this mean? First, it means that the missile lobbing contests of North Korea and the US are really a side-show. The US cannot and will not invade or bomb North Korea for many reasons. One of the most potent reasons is the massive loss of life, even if restricted to conventional weapons. Seoul's megacity of 12,000,000 is within easy striking range of standard artillery as well as short range missiles. There is no effective defense of Seoul possible.