kent state massacre

today is the 50th commemoration of the Kent State Massacre

Some background from my life:

I went to Kent State as an early admissions high school student in 1967 and 1968, where I stood in vigils against the war as we were photographed us from the roof a building next to the student union.  We were a sure we had FBI files, but who knows? Paranoia strikes deep…

In 1968 I went to CU, Boulder, and when Nixon’s secret bombing of Cambodia was announced, at about noon the streets exploded with furious protestors: a motley crew, which included men and women in suits who’d walked off their jobs.  The rage was palpable: fists punching the air, chants of various kinds.  We marched to the city/county building, but to what effect?  None, really, save maybe a photo-op?  Later a Student Strike was called, and some of us later occupied a few seemingly relevant buildings (admin?; I’ve forgotten), but no one seemed to care.  No arrests, no notice, no nothing.  We all went home just before dawn feelin’ a bit let down, maybe even…sorta silly.