
Issues. Isn't Democracy the Issue?


"Twas the night before Christmas
and all thru the land
the people were shopping
while their President was killing innocent children in other countries"

Regarding the "issues". Aren't all issues dependent on a single issue - democracy? And since we don't have democracy, shouldn't we try to get that first?

What matters to you? (Part 1)

Hey guys,

Like most of you, I'm pretty much a newb here. And while I'm really enjoying the vibe -- or maybe because I'm really enjoying the vibe -- I got wondering which issues enjoy the broadest support across this community. Because there are a lot of issues that matter. And because this seems like a community where ideas can be debated freely and honestly.

Nature of Justice Determined in Politics, Truth politics, Power Politics

This was posted on

Feel free to repost anywhere you think it might be worthwhile

I tried to just copy and paste it here but the formatting of quotations didn't come through so here is the link


Bernie is gaining with key demographics BUT ...

According to

A string of polls over the past two weeks show that the once-independent Vermont senator is tied or in the lead in the two early primary states, Iowa and New Hampshire, and all of a sudden, in striking distance of Hillary Clinton nationally.

(My bolding)