ISIS is imitating U.S. foreign policy on a smaller scale

A recent series of events is unfolding whereby, on a much smaller scale, ISIS is emulating U.S. foreign policy by indiscriminately attacking different western countries as well as Muslim-majority countries. They, like the U.S., are seeking to make as many enemies as possible, much more efficiently and a heckuva lot cheaper than we do it.

Is a Trumpian foreign policy beginning to emerge?

Even the most ardent Trump-haters have to admit that DJT has his work cut out for him, in part thanks to the die-hard Trump-haters. One of his campaign promises was to wipe-out ISIS. Many campaign promises were made but two of the most important were to end ISIS and start no more new wars--perhaps ending old one's inspired by Obama-Klinton-Soros.

Mosul families flee with the dead bodies of their children

I don't want to post this article from Rudaw, especially the slideshow of photographs, but we're grownups, right? We need to face the reality of our foreign policy.

Mosul residents flee the city with dead bodies of loved ones
By Rudaw 18/3/2017
