
A State of Emergency


Hannah Gadsby, an Australian comedian, once commented that we tend to focus on the differences between men and women much more than the similarities. Fact is, she said, the similarities far outweigh the differences. For one, we are both the same species. So, if we wanted to talk about differences in stark terms, comparing men and women to zebras would yield far greater discrepancies.

The whole world is one big heartbreak

Beauty in nature evokes its direct opposite
Because that's the kind of world this is
One of mirrors and contradictions
One of equal and opposite reactions
Yin and yang, baby
Yin and yang

Every earthly creature has its time beneath the sun
In this mystery-shrouded realm
Of paradox and pain
Flashes of glory against a merciless sky
With a whimper, baby
Or with a bang
Or a moan

You Can't Reason with Evil

In relative terms in the concept of politics and the world, I am young. I'm a millennial in my 20's struggling to survive. But it didn't take long to understand some basic principles about what drives America and this world, about its political body and what inhabits it.

One observation that isn't necessarily unique I imagine to myself is this:
The greater evil is not the monster that kills simply because, but the monster that kills yet still sees themselves as good.

Humanity - gone without a whimper

Humans are the odd duck in the animal kingdom.

We evolved to have a combination of features that allowed us to prosper and thrive over time: being bipedal, having opposable thumbs, and of course our brain which expanded energy towards developing our reasoning and cognitive ability. However, when we dive into the anatomy of man we begin to see the trade offs as well as the detrimental attributes we accumulated.