
How to get out of jury duty, even when you don't want to

I actually like jury duty. And I consider it a point of honor to be an impartial juror. That said this time the case was scheduled to last 2 months and I had to schedule a neurologist appointment, so maybe my judgment was clouded.
But all I did was tell the truth.
The lawyer for the prosecution asked if anyone would (and we were interpreting that as "could") have difficulty with the government's case just because it was the government. I didn't - honest - but…

Hillary on Bernie Voters: "It's Exciting to Be, In Effect, Protesting"

I have to go to work so this will be short.

If Hillary Clinton wants to be a better candidate that can actually rally the party in November, she really, really, really needs to do a better job of understanding why so many young people are voting for Bernie. And she really needs a better answer than this.

When asked yet again this morning on Morning Joe why she thinks so many young people are voting for Sanders, including young women, Hillary had this to say: