
Open Thread 07-01-22 - Worldeaters

Please stop hating on each other. There's enough hate and division in the world already.

Tolerance is the key, short of that we are doomed. Soon our hatred will divide us to the point where we all stand alone at a time when we need to stand together.

Or am I just shouting into the existential void?

Anger in Flyover Country

This is a heartbreaking and terrifying article. I hope you'll read the whole thing. The essayist writes very well, about things that are foreign to many of us. He is a retired social worker now living in the rural south and working on a PhD.


I, too, am worried by our descent into prewar hatred. I had a friend from Dubrovnik in the’80s. She was a typical Yugoslav – half Croatian, quarter Serbian, and a quarter Russian. She was full of hope, smart, pretty, and heartbreakingly naïve. If she survived the war, I’m pretty sure my friend lost what made her a beautiful human being. She haunts me. Civil wars seem implausible until they start and then they follow the devil’s logic. People like my friend tend to die in them or turn into something less than they were in order to survive.

Blind hatred and Hillary's "resistance" movement

We know that one of the reasons Hillary lost was that she had no positive positions - she was not "for" anything. Just "Trump, Trump, Trump, Russia, Russia, Russia!" Are we for anything? Or are we falling into Hillary's McCarthy-ite pattern? Here's an important three paragraphs, but there's a lot more worth reading in the article.