
Green Party Needs Ballot Access Help in Georgia - Deadline is next Tuesday July 12th

Hey all. If you know anyone in or near Georgia that can sign a ballot or preferably help get ballot signatures for the Green Party/Jill Stein, give them a shout out (Georgia contact information provided in post). They have 5,500 of the needed 7,500 signatures. They need to get more than 7,500 signatures for a margin of safety. There are many petitioning efforts this weekend.

Judge refuses name change in Georgia

 photo Feldhaus_zps2xqi7miz.jpgRowan Elijah Feldhaus submitted a name change petition which Columbia County Superior Court Judge J. David Roper rejected. Rowan's previous name had been Rebeccah Elizabeth Feldhaus.

The question presented is whether a female has the salutatory right to change her name to a traditionally and obviously male name. The court concludes that she does not have such right.

--Judge Roper

Lambda Legal submitted a filing to the Georgia Court of Appeals challenging the denial yesterday.

Settlement reached with Georgia Department of Corrections

About a year ago the Southern Poverty Law Center filed a suit on behalf of trans woman prisoner Ashley Diamond, who was denied medical care and repeatedly raped and assaulted by other prisoners while she was held at a men's prison in Georgia.

Last Friday a settlement was announced in the case.

Diamond was released from prison last August after her case got publicized.

She had been serving a sentence for a probation violation stemming from a nonviolent crime. She was denied female hormones she had been receiving for 17 years – medically necessary care for her gender dysphoria. She was sexually assaulted by other prisoners at least eight times while incarcerated.

As part of the agreement, the Georgia Department of Corrections agreed to pay Diamond, 37, an undisclosed financial settlement.
