
The Weekly Watch

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Turning the Corner

Welcome to mid-autumn and standard time. Most folks are aware of the two equinox and solstices as being the seasonal changes, but few are aware of the mid-points of each season. Halloween, All Saints Day (which is today), and the Day of the Dead (tomorrow) are markers of fall's mid-season (also called Samhain).

It is Celtic New Year’s Eve and the final harvest. It’s when the veil between the world of the living and the dead is the thinnest and when pagans believe spirits easiest roam the earth and when it is easiest to communicate with them. It is a time to honor all those who have come before, for all that was gifted to us during the year, to ask for guidance, and to set intentions as the turning of the wheel begins again.

Groundhogs day, May 1st (May day), and the Dog days are the other mid-season markers. The days continue getting shorter, and it will be nice to have light earlier. Changing between standard and DST is a bad idea for several reasons, but it seems we're stuck with it. This is the week we've been waiting for...the election will be over by this time next week (I hope), and neither outcome bodes well (in my book). Hang on for what may be a rocky ride.

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Biden, Ukraine, Fracking, Shale: the Initiative to support start-ups like Exxon with US Taxpayer dollars

In chronological order, here are some articles about Biden and the business of fracking in Ukraine. Burisma, the company his son was involved with, is very much a part of this struggle for taxpayer funding of capitalist theft of natural resources.

First, from the Burisma Holdings wiki:

A Master Class In LW Media: Jimmy Dore Destroys "Corporate Cocksucker" Chris Hayes From Every Angle For Cheap Shot at Susan Sarandon

In my view what Jimmy Dore has been doing consistently for months is one of the most important developments in media, in this era in which trust in the media, government and politicians are at all-time lows.

Resistance to Fracking in Chaco Canyon: Support Needed Today

If you have time right now (from 8:59am MST until 12 noon MST), we're being asked to log in to and help to flood their server. Activists are trying to prevent an auction of sacred lands in Chaco Canyon, NM, to allow fracking. The people don’t want it.

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