Open Thread - 01-06-23 - Family influence
Submitted by on the cusp on Fri, 01/06/2023 - 7:00am
*Given that tomorrow, January 7, 2023, is the 8th anniversary of caucus99percent, and we are 8 wondrous years of being together to say what is on our minds and in our hearts, we should stand, slow clap, give each other cyber hugs and salutes, and do remember that we are the 99%, because JtC says we are the people he wants to reach out to, and gives us this great place to express ourselves.
Clap. Clap. Clap.
JtC would appreciate your feedback on the anniversary, and what it means to you.*
Each of us who has associated with family has been particularly influenced by one of them, or even more than one.
My biggest influence was my Dad, but time constraints won't allow me to delve into that relationship. To do that remarkable man justice, it will take time to hit even the highlights.
So, Mom. A woman with a life of incredible achievements!