# Economic Inequality

The World Brought to You By The Baby Boomer Generation

Decimation of Trade Unions and Defined pensions.
Suppression of wages.
Excessive executive pay.
Banking deregulation that caused the collapse of the economy in 2007.
Lowering the standards of basic education.
Huge increase in college costs.
Massive sustained increase in defense spending and wars.
Increased use of all types of drugs.
Excuse of Bill Clinton's behavior towards women.
Positives: Personal Computer.

Get a job!

Ok. I got bills to pay.

If I must do this unfulfilling job, may I at least spend only a small amount of my life at work? No. In order to make ends meet, you’ll need to work a lot. An awful lot. It will require 50, 60, or 70 hours per week. You’ll probably need to get a second job, and maybe a third. Now hold on here. This means I’ll be working all day long, almost every single day. I’ll have no more than just a few hours left to myself. Yes, that’s just the way it is.