
Dore Asks: Who’s More Corrupt, Democrats Or Republicans?

Really interesting discussion in this video. I won't give away the answer, but you know who is more corrupt, don't you. They talk about Trump being just a symptom of the real problem that this is now an Oligarchy, not a Democracy.

Special guest - Richard Eskow, Bernie Sanders' writer during his presidential campaign.

Obama Consultant Blasts Dems for Ossoff's Loss, But For the Wrong Reasons

Surprisingly, CNN published this attack on the Democratic Party for running a lousy campaign and wasting money on Ossoff. Here's what Drew Westen, a longtime Obama and Dem consultant, and resident in GA-6 had to say:

On The Whole, I Think Things Are Going Rather Well

I confess to being blindsided by the wholesale exuberance with which the Republicans have embraced killing off wide swaths of the undeserving electorate, unencumbered by even ritualistic expressions of regret for the carnage they hope to legislate with their healthcare “reform”. I suppose It must be exhilarating for them to throw off the weight of the pretense of humanity they have shouldered while living and moving among us these last few decades.

To Those Who Said The Dems Could Not Be Reformed

I've been waiting to see how much progress the various groups attempting to reform the Dems - Our Revolution, Justice Dems, Brand New Congress - would make before finally throwing the towel in. For the simple reason that if the Dems could be taken over by the voters then our path to overall victory would be much easier. If.

Bob Swern Paints Himself With Honey And Lies Down On Daily Kos Ant Hill

May I doff my hat in admiration to one who so often wades in regardless of shark fins, who marches into the lions den, and who rips off his sunglasses to expose the whites of eyes to his adversaries? Bob Swern, there aren’t enough metaphors to honor you today.

Democrats Dumb Enough to Confirm Gorusch?

Short and sweet: Politico is reporting that mostly unnamed Democrats (although it sounds like both Coons and Manchin are in this group of approximately 6) are looking to cut a deal where they confirm Gorusch in exchange for...Republicans not eliminating the filibuster next time around, which is just about the most idiotic thing they could exchange their votes for.

No Ballot Left Behind or, Is Our Voters Learning?

This is an open discussion to ask:

What were your own biggest lessons/ takeaways from this last election? I'll kick off with a few of my own:

1. Who could have ever predicted that we would have an election that culminated in the selection of two candidates from both major Parties that subsequently found themselves in the center of FBI investigations? Good job, Democrats and Republicans!
