Obama Consultant Blasts Dems for Ossoff's Loss, But For the Wrong Reasons

Surprisingly, CNN published this attack on the Democratic Party for running a lousy campaign and wasting money on Ossoff. Here's what Drew Westen, a longtime Obama and Dem consultant, and resident in GA-6 had to say:

Ossoff didn't lose because this was a referendum on Donald Trump, the Democratic Party, or Nancy Pelosi. Neither candidate mentioned Trump, Ossoff never mentioned that he was a Democrat, and the low-quality ads placing cardboard figures of Pelosi next to real pictures of Osoff looked like those mild amusements at carnivals or festivals where you stick your face through a hole next to Abraham Lincoln.

Ossoff lost because that was one of the worst campaigns I've ever seen. I suspect his campaign team didn't know him very well, and if they did, it sure didn't show. The goal seemed to be to find something vaguely Republican for him to say, and to keep his head down. If the other three special elections looked anything like it, it's no wonder the Democrats lost them all.

So what's the lesson he want Dems to take away from Ossoff's loss? That - prepare yourself - they need better messaging.

That the campaign did nothing to create a connection between the candidate and the voters, and had no clear message, is difficult to believe. This is campaign messaging 101. You start by introducing the candidate as a person, weaving together his life history and values with those of the people he wants to serve, so that it's obvious that he's the right person, with the right values, for the times. [...]

You do not run on an issue or issues. Voters should be able to assume your positions on issues from your values. But you should have a signature issue or two, and voters should know why those issues or the broader values they reflect are so important to you, preferably by telling the story of why that is. Did you have a parent or grandparent you really admired, who taught you some lesson you've never forgotten? Did you see people suffering in some way and decide you were going to do something about it?

You do not run on the issues? You run on something vague called "your values?" Has Sanders taught these bobble heads nothing? All the talk about your story and your values isn't going to do squat if you ignore the critical issues that young and poor people care about. Like our craptastic economy for everyone but the top 10 percent. All the narratives in the world aren't going to make people come out and be enthusiastic and vote for you if you don;t talk about the problems people face in this economy, the concerns they have about the way our society is going backward, and have an agenda to fix them.

All the author of this article cared about was Ossoff's lack of a brand, and "values" and a "story" that apparently the expensive consultants that wasted the Dems' money never thought about providing him. But you know what else they didn't mention or think about? Advancing a progressive agenda of better healthcare, more jobs, free tuition for college, better working conditions, a better economy for the 99%, and yes, other issues, like climate change and making the wealthy and the corporations and Wall Street pay their fair share for the costs of government that primarily benefits them. That's what people care about. Not Ossoff's "values" or his "story."

Values are meaningless unless you speak to the issues that affect people's lives. Your personal story means nothing if you don't have a solution for the mess our neoliberal/neconservative controlled government has created for most of us. You know what Bernie's message was? Talking about those issues that the people who are suffering in our country want addressed over and over and over. But the Dems chose to run a Republican Lite candidate, barely mention he was a Democrat in all their numerous costly ads, and never let him speak about issues and policy solutions that might have turned out young people, and poor and minority voters.

Obama was great at "messaging" and look where that got us. It got him elected twice, but it lost races for Dems all across the country for eight years. This did not happen because the Democratic brand and messaging is bad, but because their soulless candidates stand for nothing and nobody other than themselves. Maybe a charismatic African-American man can get away with that, but no one else can. Hillary sure couldn't and she ran on the same issues Obama ran on and mouthed the same empty platitudes about values.

Idiots. When the Dems, and the high-priced consulting class that runs their campaigns, lose big in 2016, they still won't learn a damn thing. It's not about the messaging, stupid.

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detroitmechworks's picture

Same shit, different day, of course you're going to worry about the box you have on the shelf.

The dems worry about their pretty media boxes because they can't change the product, which comes direct and ready for insertion into the back door of the American people.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

@detroitmechworks @detroitmechworks

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Phoebe Loosinhouse's picture

where the contestants are coached incessantly to "create their brand" and "tell their story".

Some of us might feel that gaining elected office with the resultant power of either enhancing or screwing up the lives of the rest of us might warrant some reference to specific views, goals and policies, but that would imply that the desired end was bettering the lives of the constituency and not simply enhancing the resume and earning potential of the candidate/party.

It would be laughable if it weren't so pitiable with such grave consequences for the hoi polloi. I read a bunch of sad stories today about the Dems' effort attain better messaging and NONE of it focused on policy, only on improving PR in order to be "relatable" to the deplorables who for some obscure reason did not respond positively to insults and belittlement - a point of commonality with they shared with the Berners.

What is there left to say about a Party that remains so relentlessly clueless and unplugged in to the zeitgeist? It reminds me of the time the Lawrence Welk Singers did "One Toke Over The Line" introducing it as a "modern spiritual".

Lawrence Welk - One Toke Over the Line

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" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "

Daenerys's picture

@Phoebe Loosinhouse Funniest thing I've seen today. I'm crying! Thanks for sharing that video link Phoebe. :lol: @Phoebe Loosinhouse

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This shit is bananas.

gulfgal98's picture

@Phoebe Loosinhouse How in the world did you ever find this?

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

@Phoebe Loosinhouse
Then shared it with my sister and daughter.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

Sister Havana's picture

@Phoebe Loosinhouse The "wow, we're getting away with this" looks on their faces while they sing make it even better.

(Also, I had a dress very similar to the one Gail is wearing when I was a little kid. Hee!)

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Phoebe Loosinhouse Or when the Republicans named themselves "Teabaggers."


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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Bollox Ref's picture

You do not run on an issue or issues.

Leaves you with a lack of votes.

Values? Ossoff might value his stamp collecting (if he does) as a creditable, industrious habit of a lifetime. But who cares?

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from a reasonably stable genius.

Benny's picture

You do have to have a message, but it starts with "I'm candidate X and I'm running to make government a better one for you." That seems superficial, but that was Bernie's message, and it would work for moderates as well (not that I am of that political persuasion, but you get the point). Bernie took it a little further, saying that Democrats/politicians cannot just serve the wealthy, that we [not he] believe that government serves a purpose beyond corporate welfare and defense spending. We want everyone to succeed which means having a government take a real economic role for citizens and a vision that if we have a good rolling tide, all boats will rise, not just the 1%ers or those in MIC.

The same consultants that Ossoff had were likely the same ones Clinton had, not just Obama. As Parnes & Allen pointed out in Shattered, Clinton did not give her speech writers much to work with except her many nuanced plans, which isn't a vision; consequently, that equates to not having a message either. Too many chiefs and not enough cooks, so to speak. She pitted people against each other when it suited her personal gain, not for the campaign's purpose. Or at least, that's how her message came across to me. #I'mwithHer. Really? About what or why? Because she's a woman with a great resume for the professional moderates? I didn't see much empathy either.

So you do have to have a message, but as Nina Turner said very succinctly about the Democrats at the People's Summit:

Titles are Good, Purpose is Better.

And you have to show more than just values, and this is where I agree with the diarist, you talk about issues or concerns to people who were out of reach. Her husband successfully did that in 1992. Governance is another issue that doesn't need to be rehashed, we know it created dot.com bubbles, dismantled Glass-Stegall, supported trade agreements that caused tons of jobs move overseas, as well as his administration threw away marriage equality and universal healthcare under the bus. The only thing Hillary Clinton appeared to want to do differently was marriage equality; that was already decided before the 2016 election cycle. Nope, just status quo, which Shattered the Democratic Party.

However, Bill Clinton's SCOTUS picks turned out to be decent ones for social justice in the long term, and I suspect Hillary's would have been on scales of social justice. Don't know if they would have stood related to the commerce clause though.

Thanks for pointing out the article. I didn't catch it until I saw it here.

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One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.--Tennyson

The message has to be an authentic expression of the candidate's values. The values need to come first, not the message. It seems like this consultant is saying that you put the message first and then you pretend to have values that match the message. What kind of queasiness inducing loser bullshit is that? Be a false person? Don't reveal your real values? All these corporatists, from both parties, would lose big in real, publicly funded, clean, transparent elections with debates instead of sound bites, which maybe explains a lot.

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Beware the bullshit factories.


Just lots of ads about what a great guy he is and such a great humanitarian. Nothing about what he would do to solve the state's financial crisis, much less improve the state's economy.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

snoopydawg's picture

it's just that he didn't believe in the democratic values that the democrats held 40 years ago.
Other than that, he was Hillary in a suit.

Speaking of CNN, has anyone heard about this?

CNN spills the beans: 'Russiagate is fake, Trump being demonized

A producer for America's CNN news channel has apparently been caught on camera saying the network's Russia coverage is more about ratings than offering solid facts.


So, actually what people remember, for example, is that the Russians were trying to hack the energy grid in America. It turned out it was one laptop with malware on it, which was something to do with an employee from Vermont energy grid

Unfortunately, even though this has been debunked, people are still saying it in their comments.
This shows how easy it is to spread even a little propaganda and that's all people will believe and remember.

The person who did the video has ties to Project Veritas so take it with a grain of salt.
However, if this is true and more networks start dropping the Russian propaganda on the election, the people who have invested a year into believing this are going to deflate in an interesting way.
Grab the popcorn Smile

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

riverlover's picture

@snoopydawg There from history more. Even one district away would raise fear and loathing. I was pissed off enough when Hillary carpetbagged after Bill had to leave DC (kinda leaving office). In upstate NY. Originally from Midwest.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

gulfgal98's picture


He was a carpetbagger...

Ossoff was flown in and dropped off to run in a district in which he did not live. People do not take kindly to that, particularly in the South. The Democrats did the same thing with Alex Sink in Florida when she was tapped to run in a district where she did not live. People want someone to represent them that has lived in and knows their district. This was just one of the many problems with Ossoff.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@gulfgal98 The Bushes got away with it somehow.
I guess because George W actually spent some time in TX when he was a kid.

But every time he put on a cowboy hat and accentuated the drawl, I winced.

People would say to me "I don't want to vote for a New England aristocrat."
I'd say "That's too bad, because that's all that's on the menu this time."

Bush and Kerry were actually distant cousins, both descendants of John Winthrop.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Benny's picture

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal They didn't at first. GWB ran for Congress in 1978. I lived in that district during that time and the year before, I became eligible to vote. Bush was considered a carpetbagger then and along with many others, I voted against him. I've always prided myself that my first vote was against a Bush.

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One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.--Tennyson

Lily O Lady's picture


his party, but talked about both parties wasting money. If the Obama people think lightening was going to strike twice with a relative unknown playing on voters' lack of familiarity with the candidate, they were mistaken.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

snoopydawg's picture

I can't believe that people are still saying this so far out from the election.

"The bad news is that they didn't get the message from 2016: that if you don't have a likable candidate who connects with people, with a message that jumps out at you, you're going to lose."

The democrats have no interest in changing anything regarding their stances on the issues. Right after the election, Pelosi was asked about if she thought that the democrats should change their stances on certain issues and she said no.

Even recently she was asked the same type of question and again she said no.
And as many people have stated, the democrats would have rather lose to Trump then let Bernie win.
The fact that the democrat in California shelved the health care bill shows us exactly what they are going to do even if they get control of congress again.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Please take a look at Westen's book, THE POLITICAL BRAIN". You might find you agree with him more than you think.

"The goal seemed to be to find something vaguely Republican for him to say, and to keep his head down." He's saying he should have sounded like a Democrat.

Bernie didn't go into depth about a huge range of issues. He kept his central focus on issues surrounding economic inequality including health care. (His decision was the basis of many of the identity politics attacks.) The rest was narrative. But did his supporters have any trouble deducing his position on other issues from his narrative and his voting record?

Westen is a clinical psychologist. He has literally hooked up groups of people to brain scans and observed their unfiltered responses to political stimuli. Generally, he consults for Democrats to the left of Clinton and Obama. He may have offered Obama some help, but when Obama was slowly evolving on GLBT issues he wrote a scathing article in which he charged that Obama thinks gays are "icky".

And Ossaff was a terrible candidate who did little to identify himself as a Democrat, a perfect DCC choice who wasted lots of DCC money.

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Phoebe Loosinhouse's picture

on your face. It's being telegraphed enough:

Since they won't ever get the bi-partisanship and compromise they are looking for from the Republicans as cover for their own conservative, elitist, privileged bent, they will compound their own poison pills by salting their own party liberally with newly minted conservative Dem Blue Dogs on whose behalf they are busily drawing up the blueprints for as we speak - candidates who "match their District" or "engage the heartland".

The success of this plan is somewhat doubtful, because we've seen this play before and the typical result is that they depress their own base vote and get no crossover anyway since people will once again vote for the real Republican and not the Dem Lite Republican, BUT it is possible that the overt homicidal tendencies of the Republican healthcare bill might energize the We'd Like To Live faction of the electorate and give the Dems seats they would not otherwise have won.

They will reward these voters by offering up watered down half solutions to the pressing issues facing the general public and then in the next cycles will go back to losing seats and statehouses and will hold autopsies where everyone in the inner circles of power will agree that once again they were done in by poor messaging.

Democratic Groundhog Day.

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" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "

@Phoebe Loosinhouse
I suspect Dr. Westen agrees with you. It's better to lose out-of-reach districts with a consistent Democratic message than to stand for nothing more than giving Nancy Pelosi a better office. Then when Blue Dogs win, everybody else has to put the issues on which they ran aside because "We have to protect the Blue Dogs to keep our majority."

Disagree with them as much as you want, the Republican label is associated with a set of policies. Establishment Democrats go into each district and ask "What do you want to hear?" Every Democratic challenger starts with a credibility problem.

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Benny's picture

You make my point succinctly. Yes, you do need values, but you can't make "I'm not Trump" a values message either.

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One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.--Tennyson

Millions that could have been put to better use, I'd say. It's not like there's no homeless emergency, or hunger, or poverty, or anything. "We're Hollywood, We Do Our Part". Insert Silicon Valley now I guess, and the next Kannabis king will be worshipped as the fisheries die, the watershed fades. And tunnels! Woo, who woulda thought they'd have "no significant environmental impact"? omg corrupt.

Final price of Willits bypass $159 million higher than reported because of course! How pathetic, even Arnie's CalTrans seemed much better run then the current hot mess Brown doesn't care for. What a dick.

How the budget Jerry Brown just signed affects schools, marijuana and child care

The budget also calls for modest spending on students in both systems who can’t afford food.

Whack! Thank you sir, may I have another?

"Vote for us, we modestly spend a pittance on hunger." Fair wages? Not so much. Housing? Fugetaboutit. Thanks.

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@eyo @eyo

I've driven up the 101 (The Redwood Highway) a number of times and have always enjoyed stopping in Willits for a bite to eat. I've also enjoyed stopping at nearby Hopland to go to one of their excellent breweries. When I was a kid I went on the steam powered Skunk Train from Willits, over beautiful hills and through redwood forests to Fort Bragg on the coast. I imagine the bypass will do some economic damage to Willits.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

@Timmethy2.0 the whole thing was boondoggle from the beginning. All the regional input was for improving the Highway 20 intersection, NOT the bypass. It is classic "Sacramento knows best" b.s. with a bunch of lobby money behind everything that moves. Contractors galore, thanks goodness there is some oversight, some daylight. I could link a book's worth of local newspaper articles describing hell in a hand basket.
At least 3 people sent to hospital in Willits bypass bridge collapse

What do you guys think will happen to the climate now? Gas prices fall below $3 a gallon in Sonoma County, same everywhere, falling gas prices and surging SUV sales. Moar cars! "That's the system." Funny coincidence to come around same time as Jerry's hella pump tax goes boom, funny that. Same as it ever was. Oh well, I am wearing my peace button to the ATM today. Ta.

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If the Republicans are offering a warm shit sandwich, you can't offer a cold shit sandwich and be surprised when people say they're sick of eating shit! It's always the branding, always the messaging with these people. Never a look at what is (or isn't) behind it...

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

Phoebe Loosinhouse's picture

That is the gist of this article in The Guardian:

Schumer: new democratic 'agenda' will 'resonate with middle class'
“Democrats need a strong, bold, sharp-edged, and common-sense economic agenda. Policy, platform, message that appeal to the middle class. That resonate with the middle class … and unite Democrats. That’s what I’ve been working on for months.”

Gee, ya think, Chuck? In another exciting tidbit from the article, Schumer sat next to a real live Trump supporter at a ballgame and survived to tell the story. He can confirm that they do actually exist.

In all this boo-hooing and scab-picking about poor messaging, I think something is being lost. The Democrats DID have a message and the electorate received it loud and clear.

The Democrats message was that they didn't need a message, and they pretty much despise having to go through this whole annoying election process in the first place; they could and would continue to coast on lesser evilism and demographics. They telegraphed their contempt for their own voters by excluding them from the selection process in the primaries by lining up the super-delegates and the endorsements so that Hillary was a foregone conclusion. THEY picked her in the smoke-filled back room and their voters could like it or lump it. Then they doubled down on their elitism by insulting both large portions of their own base as well as the Trump supporters.

One of the most telling moments was when Schumer referred to sectors of the electorate like he was upgrading his baseball card selection - two suburban voters for one blue collar voter was a good deal to him. Voters were/are interchangeable pieces on the Stratego board, not flesh covered breathing humans who can literally live or die based on whatever corporate sponsored legislation is being served up by our horrific duopoly.

You know how Democrats crow about winning the popular vote by three million? They lost to TRUMP! They should have won the popular vote by tens of millions and had a sweep of the electoral college. Reflect for a moment on how existentially bad a party and candidate has to be to lose to Donald J. Trump. Not to mention all the other seats lost over the years of centrism, pragmatism,expediency,tri-angulation, incrementalism and ill-conceived one-sided bi-partisanship.

I'm sorry, it may seem hard-hearted, but Chuck and Nancy have to be led onto the ice floe by the tribe and set gently adrift into the sunset and new leaders with more credibility have to take the helm.

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" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "

WaterLily's picture

@Phoebe Loosinhouse LOL: WTF does this even mean?

(Rhetorical question).

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@WaterLily it's your basic status quo economic agenda. That's what "Strong, bold, sharp-edged, and common-sense economic agenda" sounds like to me, blah blah blah. Is Clinton upstairs pulling his puppet strings or what? 'Sharp-edged', can't wait for what they'll cut off next. Self-inflict much? LOL keep going.
Clinton Praises RNC, Trashes DNC, Calling It “Nothing,” “Bankrupt,” Had “Mediocre” Data
Well alrighty then! More popcorn, that's what I know.

"Trust me once they've work-shopped from this speaking matrix, there's no
telling what she'll be incredibly prepared to have regret saying."


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Sister Havana's picture

His email strategy. He paid large sums of money to Mothership Strategies to run the world's worst email campaign. We all know the emails they send are terrible, but this was atrocious even for them. Search for "Ossoff Emails" on Twitter for many examples. Here's the opener from one that is pretty representative of the strategy: "After emailing you again & again & again yesterday, we thought support would POUR in. But that's NOT what happened." How much wrong is contained in those two sentences? (It got worse from there.)
Sure, he raised a lot of money from them, but we all know the candidate with the most money definitely doesn't always gets the most votes. Turning off your potential voters is not a winning strategy.

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'manipulating'. The word itself is spin on the reality.

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Orwell: Where's the omelette?

gulfgal98's picture

is exactly what has been characterizing the Democratic party for decades. Identity politics is an example of form over substance. The latest iteration of Democratic party bobble heads talk about reaching the voters via emotion rather than by policy. Markos wrote an entire diary a while back on the fact that the Democrats do not need policy positions, only that they are not Trump. Recently, the Democratic party operative who came to Florida from Idaho said nearly the same thing.

Well, guess what? That was not what Bernie was saying when he attracted the largest crowds of the primary for either party. It was about the issues and that is why people turned out. The Democratic party's strategy of form over substance is insulting to the American people and the people have seen through that. If you cannot articulate where you stand on the issues, then you appear to stand for nothing. The Democratic party stands for nothing and Hillary Clinton was the epitome of that philosophy.

The Democratic party has been hemorrhaging members and losing election at all levels in the last nine years. It will continue to do so as long as they insist upon being the party of nothing. People voted for "hope and change" in 2008 and they got "nope and more of the same" instead. People are pissed as hell that our government and our elected officials continue to ignore their very real suffering. Not being Trump is not a winning strategy. It is based upon the idea that people will continue to vote "the lesser of two evils." But what the Democratic party fails to realize is that a lot of the electorate is refusing to continue that charade and is dropping out of the process altogether.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

got away with that twice because Mittens was such a distasteful candidate. Once people saw that Obama was nothing better than Mitt in reality, this time they decided to go balls to the wall and do whatever they could to either change the system or destroy it completely - ie, Trump.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Amanda Matthews's picture

In a bathing suit and had him running on a beach. That was part of the way they sold Obama to the women of America.

You should have heard the hissing and howling when I mentioned that during my short stint on TOP. That's when I was told that I was a RACIST!!!!!! and told that as a white woman I had no right to talk about that. Hahaha! That was one of my favorite 'discussions' at that place. That crazy woman that thinks giving black people money and that will solve everything threw a shit fit. I really enjoyed that one.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa