#Coronavirus #Covid-19
The Dose......they keep on fuckin with us edition
Submitted by ggersh on Mon, 12/26/2022 - 10:51amAn Update: My Comment on the Toxicity of the mRNA COVID Vaccines
Submitted by veganmark on Sat, 03/05/2022 - 4:43pmAs a biomedical scientist who is double-vaxxed (and just got a flu shot), and who has published ten papers in the biomedical literature pertinent to COVID, I can tell you that it is abundantly OBVIOUS to anyone who looks objectively at the available data that the current COVID mRNA and DNA vaccines are EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. They cause cells throughout the body to make the COVID spike protein.
The consensus is now forming that the pandemic is nearing an end
Submitted by gjohnsit on Mon, 11/01/2021 - 1:14pmFirst of all, let's look at the numbers.
The Gentrification of the Left
Submitted by Rojo on Sat, 03/27/2021 - 6:48pmFebruary, 2020: Bernie had won the first three primaries and was leading in most Super Tuesday states. A new day was rising.
At the time I was temping at a $50K/year private school. They used to do weekly student announcements and at one of these some students announced they were forming a DSA chapter.
At a $50K/yr prep school.
A Story of Covid
Submitted by ban nock on Wed, 11/25/2020 - 9:59amThis isn't from a newspaper or TV, and probably breaks a bunch of HIPA laws, so make of it what you will.
Nurses talk, and docs do too even if to a lesser extent. They shouldn't but they do, and this is the story roughly as told to me.
Covid: Just to Keep Things Spicy
Submitted by apenultimate on Mon, 07/27/2020 - 5:58pmDeaths per week in the United States (source):
wk ending July 4: 3,425
wk ending July 11: 4,610 (35% increase over previous wk)
wk ending July 18: 5,163 (12% increase over previous wk)
wk ending July 25: 6,261 (21% increase over previous wk)
2020 Depression: Retail and Travel Services Getting Crushed
Submitted by apenultimate on Fri, 07/10/2020 - 1:06amNews from just the last 3 days is showing just how grim things are for retail establishments. Below is a list of places I've read about filing for bankruptcy or closing outright. There are undoubtedly others. I imagine you're probably familiar with some of these places:
--Bed, Bath, & Beyond announced it is closing 200 of its 955 stores nationwide.
Covid-19 Higher Death Rate Continues--3 Days Now
Submitted by apenultimate on Fri, 07/10/2020 - 12:42amQuick update with three days at a much higher rate now (Source):
The far right column is number of deaths due to covid-19 for the United States as a whole. For the past 3 days, number of deaths:
July 7: 902
July 8: 810
July 9: 874
US Covid-19 Death Rate Rises Dramatically
Submitted by apenultimate on Wed, 07/08/2020 - 9:22amYesterday (July 7), there were 902 recorded deaths from covid-19 in the United States--the first time since June 8 that there were more than 900 deaths in a single day. Source
On July 6, there were only 244 deaths recorded, and for the couple of weeks leading up to that, in general we were looking at 200-400 deaths per day.
Edit, per request from BoBM: