
SEEDS OF DESTRUCTION: The Endangered Mythology of American Exceptionalism

"Every civilization carries the seeds of its own destruction, and the same cycle shows in them all. The Republic is born, flourishes, decays into plutocracy, and is captured by the shoemaker whom the mercenaries and millionaires make into a king. The people invent their oppressors, and the oppressors serve the function for which they are invented." -Mark Twain

Why “Health Care” for profit is an oxymoron. More insight from complex systems theory.

Our blindness to what these words are telling us is really astounding. My first time to fully comprehend the contradiction came from an experience while I was teaching at Harvard in 1969. The medical community in the Boston area put together a “Health University” which was a sixteen week course contributed by health care professionals at every level. At the end they distilled what the many discussions and brainstorming sessions had produced and came up with a set of wonderful proposals.

A complex world view makes our present situation more comprehensible

This may seem like a contradiction, but once you accept that comprehension depends on being able to approach the real world with your own world view it is actually very clear. Complex systems defy classical logic especially in the realm of causality.

Seven timescales on which we seem to be at a turning point

I can think of seven different timescales in which changes seem to be happening right about now. Of course, you can probably take any point in time and construct such an edifice since everything is changing all the time, but this seems to be a moment in which it is particularly compelling to do so. Anyway, here they are.