
An Indignant Rant About Milquetoast 'Centrist' Right-wing Enablers

It's about 8 months after the electoral college handed Dipshit Dumpsterfire Trump the presidency (With the help of Hillary Clinton and the DNC) and the Democratic Party is still whining. Yet for all that whining, they can't seem to shake the very tactics, non-policies and toxic identity politics that led to their loss to begin with.

Reality Check: Hillary has no intention of delivering on the gun control thing!

Hillary Clinton has no more intention of delivering on gun control than Barack Obama did. 1)It would require a Democratic Congress. The last thing in the world a 3rd way democrat wants is a Democratic Congress, because then they are expected to govern like Democrats. "Real Democrats" do stuff like defend the 99%, with high wages, a real public option, not to mention protecting social security. I mean "Bleck!" 3rd way dems don't do Dem stuff well, and don't want to.