Open Thread - 12-13-24 - Monochrome Days

As I was sitting at my desktop last night, wondering what I'd write about, I slipped into a daydream of memories. Memories of my youth.

I was swept back to my early childhood in the mid to late fifties, and I soon noticed I was viewing my memories in black and white. That seemed odd, but not really, having grown up in the era of black and white TV. What an idyllic world that was. Time was slow. There was less chaos, well, less chaos in my young mischievous mind anyway. Things were so much simpler. I'm sure many here can relate.

I probably spent a good five minutes in memory land.

It's strange the way a person can drift back in time, like a lucid dream, like a movie.


Open Thread - 12-06-24 - The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse

The Fifth Horseman

Certainly we all have heard of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse prediction from The Book of Revelations contained in the Bible. First, The White Horseman, thought to be Jesus himself or possibly the anti-Christ, depending on interpretations. Second, the Red Horseman, thought to represent war. Third, the Black Horseman, thought to represent famine. And fourth, the pale Horseman, thought to represent death.

Notice the similarities that runs through the Book of Revelations' narrative of fear? It's the same leitmotif that runs through the course of The Bible, and most religions, if not all of them. Like the other four Horses, the Fifth Horse of the Apocalypse isn't a physical entity, in my humble opinion, it's a psychological construct.

Just as the underlying teachings of the Bible use the elemental emotion of fear as it's prime mover (pun intended), the same motivation is driving the current societal control mechanisms. For the same reasons.

Corruption is out of control in this country, and hand in hand with that corruption is our government, which is also out of control. It's no longer hidden, in fact, it's flaunted in our faces. The executive branch of our government has wrested too much power. The president, by diktat in the form of executive privilege and executive orders, simply waves his signing hand and so it is done. Is there a better example than the recent presidential pardoning of his son and the rumored preemptive pardoning of his partners in crime? Biden might as well pardon the whole government as corrupt as it currently is.

How do the government and the politicians get away with it? In times past the public would be in the streets with torches and pitchforks, seeking retribution for their grievances. The least that could be expected was a good tar and feathering followed by a good running out on a rail. Today, it's shrugged off as business as usual. The body politic has become accustomed to the corruption and unwilling to make any waves. But, why?


The results of years of fear are evident. Lock downs, genocide, wars, lawfare, WWIII, cancellations, de-platforming, crime, IRS audit, threats of martial law, talk of civil war, talk of nuclear war, surveillance, troops in the street, climate change, policrisis, pandemics, poison food, murders on the street openly shown on the internet, and I'm sure I'm missing many more. Step out of line and you'll pay the price. It's been non stop for years and it's taking it's toll. We, the body politic have been socially engineered to acquiesce, to not make waves, out of fear of retribution and lives destroyed.

Fear is the Trojan Horse used to enter one's mind as an insidious manipulation of one's core emotion. Make an individual fearful enough and they will bend to the will of the manipulator. It works the same for a society as well. There's plenty of examples from the past to support this supposition. Today, we've been witnessing the largest and most potent psychological operation in all of history, on steroids, and in real time.

If fear is the Trojan Horse and the Fifth Horse of the Apocalypse, then who may be the rider? And to what end?

The Orange Horse
The Fifth Horse of the Apocalypse
Attribution: Wikimedia Commons
(Orange tint added by JtC)

Open Thread - 12-01-23 - I Me Mine

Does your mind feel like a pin cushion, similar to being stuck like a voodoo doll by invisible forces intent on stealing your free will? Does it feel like every day there's a new assault on your sanity, a new way to divide yourself against yourself and against each other? Do you feel confused about what is right and what is wrong, like old sociological taboos are now acceptable and what was once unthinkable is now subliminally admissible? Do you feel like you're being led down a menacing alleyway in the dead of night, in the midst of an archetypal dream where you need to run from some danger yet your legs don't work no matter how hard you try. Do you feel intimidated about saying the wrong thing to the point where you don't even want to think those thoughts? Do you feel like you have three legs of which only one can go forward but two will then step back? Do you pine for the old world order of just a few short years ago, that was chaotic in and of itself but now seems idyllic and much more manageable compared to the mass confusion of this nascent new world order being thrust upon us?

Do you feel helpless and hopeless? Do you want it all to just stop? If so that is exactly the raison d'etre for the incessant and ubiquitous propaganda and gaslighting we've been bombarded with by the media for many years now. It's been ever present in our lives since birth but has recently been taken to a whole new level of full spectrum mind control.

Why? Why have the societal paradigms shifted so much in the near term and what may the consequences be in the long term?


The Weekly Watch

The Best Laid Plans Oft Go Awry

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The plans have long been laid, even wiki shines a weak light...
Wolfowitz Doctrine is an unofficial name given to the initial version of the Defense Planning Guidance for the 1994–1999 fiscal years (dated February 18, 1992) published by U.S. Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Paul Wolfowitz and his deputy Scooter Libby. Not intended for public release, it was leaked to the New York Times on March 7, 1992, and sparked a public controversy about U.S. foreign and defense policy. The document was widely criticized as imperialist, as the document outlined a policy of unilateralism and pre-emptive military action to suppress potential threats from other nations and prevent dictatorships from rising to superpower status.


They're coming after us in every way imaginable

We're in for a world of hurt should the FEDNOW system be enacted.
This is much worse than what took place in Nazi Germany for the level
of control that tptb want over us is total control.

One has to think that the WEF/SV/DC Axis of Evil is taking
us there.

Everything in bold was my emphasis, I didn't bold nearly enough

Open Thread - 08-05-22 - A Potpouri of Political Postulations

Whose Reality Do You Live In?

My wife and I travel a lot around the country. We mostly stay at motels. It's at these temporary stop-overs that I turn on the TV, something that I haven't done for years at home. My usual refrain is; "Since it's paid for we will use it". It was at a recent stop-over that something caught my eye. I've oft wondered how it is that people are so susceptible to mind control. How it is that so many seem to have lost any semblance of critical thinking. And then I saw it.

While surfing for something to fill background noise I happened upon Fox News so I left it on for a few minutes. I can't remember exactly what the talking head was bleating about but I did take notice of the background imagery that accompanied the commentator. I saw subtle thought steering using symbolism and subliminal perceptive inferences. The commentator's words were enhanced by the imagery, a double splash of propaganda, verbally and visually, engaging both the conscious and subconscious mind.

We all know how the propaganda is catapulted. Movies, newspapers, radio, books, etc. It starts at a very young age and continues throughout our lives. I am now convinced that the television is the main mode of brainwashing, both in words and imagery, and I also suspect, by audio sensory.

Television has created the boobus americanus' modern reality. Thanks Obama. It's most noticeable if one doesn't watch TV at all, but if one were to quit watching for a few months and then turn it back on to the news it should pop out like a jack-in-the-box.

Then watch the commercials to see who is funding the propaganda.

How is this insidiousness negated? Shut the damn thing off.

TV propaganda.jpg
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