#CapitolRally #Insurrection #Sedition

This is why I'm OK with Twitter banning President Trump

On January 8, in the aftermath of the Capitol riots, Twitter permanently banned the accounts of Donald Trump and several Q-anon conspiracists while Apple and Google removed the Parler app from their stores, reportedly upon pressure from U.S. lawmakers.

While I must admit I'm uncomfortable with what could be seen as a starkly partisan act that smacks of Fascism, when I look at what has transpired in context I really must agree with their decisions.

Why was the response to the capitol rally so different?

One of the first things that we on The Left noticed about yesterday's chaos at the Capitol was the stark difference in response versus a typical BLM rally, or the March 2007 anti war rally led by veterans. In the past year we've seen tanks and bayonets as an acceptable response to BLM events, tear gas and violence during a vigil for Elijah McClain and countless examples of egregious use of force.